शोभाकर-कुलोद्भूत-श्रीचण्डीदेव-शर्मणा ।
क्रियतेऽष्टमपादस्य टीका प्राकृत-दीपिका ॥ तत्र “सर्वभाषासु लक्षणं संक्षिप्तसारमाचष्ट"1 इत्यनेन प्रथम प्रतिज्ञातम्। संपूर्णसर्वभाषासु संस्कृत-प्राकृतादिरूपासु यल्लक्षणं तदेव स्पष्टं वक्तव्यमिति तत्रेदानी संपूर्ण-संस्कृत-भाषा-लक्षणं समाप्य लक्षणान्तरम् आरभे समृद्धीत्यादि। (समृद्धथादेरादिरकारो आद् वा भवति लोकानुसारात् प्राकृते 4 )।
ननु सर्वैरेषा प्रयोक्तब्या भाषा वृद्धानुसारतो ग्रन्थशेषेणैव संस्कृतभाषालक्षणस्य शिष्टप्रयोगस्य विधानमवशेष उक्तस्तत् किमर्थ लक्षणान्तराणीत्यत आह लोकानुसारात् प्राकृत इति । संस्कृते समृद्धिशब्दस्य केवलस्य क्वचिदप्यादिभूतस्याकारस्य आविधानं नास्तीति । अतः पारिशेष्यात् प्राकृत एवायं विधिद्रष्टव्यः । एतदपि लोकानुसारान् नाटकादौ महाकवि-प्रयोग-दर्शनात् प्राकृतं महाराष्ट्रदेशीयं प्रकृष्टभाषणम् । तथा च दण्डी-महाराष्ट्राश्रयां भाषां प्रकृष्टं प्राकृतं विदुरिति, तथा आभीरादि गिरः काव्येष्वपभ्रंश इति स्थितिरिति ।।
$ 12. It is important to note here that just after a century, Luigia Nitti-Dolci has also consulted the same manuscript preserved in the Bibliothe que Nationale, Paris, (Skt. Coll. No. 578), the beginning of which is also the same as given by Lassen, with the slight variation noted above. Dolci° has also informed us that the eighth pāda of Kramadīśvara's Samkşiptasāra was made known to Europe by Father Pons, a Jasuit missionary, who rent a copy of the same to the Royal Library in 1783. Dolei is of the opinion that, so far as it is known to her, this is the only manuscript in Europe in Bengali character, of the 8th pada of the Samksiplasära, which was probably copied in the 17th century A.D. It is this Bengali manuscript of Paris which h utilised by Lassen in his Institutiones. According to her this very manuscript of the Prākyta-dāpikā by Candidevaśarmā was copied by Jacquet for Lassen. The copy was done so carefully that it could easily replace the original. The manuscript bears no date. It has 36 folios and has the same colophon as that of A,C&C1.
$ 13. D=This stands for the text of Prakrta-dhātvādesa of Kramadīśvara as edited by Nicolas Delius and given in his Radices
1) This line is found in the commentary of Goyicandra under mangalā. carana verse. 2) Dolci tādirūpāsu. 3) Doloi gives ārabhate. 4) Found in the foot-note of Lp. 16. 5) Les Gram m. Pkt. pp. 129 & 132.
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