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Chakrapani = Krishna 35.39 Chakrapanijinar - Chakravarti and
the holder of the Tirthankara position, the eighteenth Arnatha Jinendra
120 Chakrapur (Bho) a city 27189 Chakravartin (Vi) Chatrakhand
the lord of the earth 1119 Chakraval (Bhi) Vi. D. Nagari
22.93 Chakravyuh (Pa) the investment of the army
one type 50.103-111 Chakra (Bhi) a city of Videha
5.263 Chakraayudh (Vy) the first Ganadhar of Shantinath 60.348 . Chakraayudh (Vy) the king of Chakrapur
unconquered and the son of Sundari 27.90 Chakri = Shri Krishna Narayan
54.30 Chakresha (Vi) the lord of Chakra Ratna
Chakravarti 1118 Chakshusman (Vy) the protector god of the Manushottar mountain
5.639 Chakshusman (Vy) the eighth Kulkar
7.157 Chanchat (Bho) the eleventh Indra of the Saudharma Yugal
6.45 Chanchala = lightning 15317 Chandrorchish = Sun 3134 Chandaban (Vy) a hunter
601111 Chandaveg (Vy) the son of Vidyutveg
25/40 Chandavega (Bhau) a river near the Varun mountain
the confluence of five rivers 27.14 Chaturanga (Vi) elephant, horse, chariot,
Shabdankramanika infantry, these four
parts, army 2071 Chaturthak - a fast 34.125 Chaturth Kal (Pa) Sushma Kal
26 Chaturdasha Purvin = production before
the knower of the first 14 Purvas
1158 Chaturmukh (Vy) the seventh Narad
601548 Chaturvinshati Stav (Pa) Anga Bahya
a part of Shruta 2.102 Chaturasra = square 3153 Chaturashtaka = thirty-two 5.244 Chaturasranuyog (Pa) 1 Prathama
Nuyog, 2 Karananuyog, 3 Charananuyog, 4 Dravyanu
Yog 58.4 Chatushk = square 5.266 . . Chatustrishd Mahadbhut = thirty-four
Atishaya 10 births, 10 Kevalgyan, 14 Devakrit
2067 Chandanpur (Bho. a city
6081 Chandanavan (Bhi) a city 29.24 Chandana (Vy) the daughter of King Chetak
2070 Chandra (Bho) the south direction related to the Rucikgiri
5.710 Chandra (Vy) the upcoming Balabhadra
601568 Chandra (Vy) a god named Chandra
601108 Chandra (Bhau) five hundred and a half yojanas away from the Neel mountain, a lake in the middle of the river 5.194
Chandra (Vy) the son of Abhichandra
48.52 Chandra (Vy) the son of King Ugrasena
4839 Chandra (Bhi) the third Indra of the Saudharma Yugal
6.44 Chandrakant (Vy) the son of the daughter of Vasudev and
48.60 Chandrakant (Vy) the wife of Shursena
33.99 Chandrachud (Vy) the Ganadhar of Rishabhdev
12167 Chandradhar (Vy) the upcoming Bal
60568 Chandradev (Vy) the son of Jarasandh
52.40 Chandrapravat (Bhi) Vi. D. Nagari
22.97 Chandraprajnapti (Pa) a part of the Parikaram Shruta
10162 Chandraprem (Vy) the eighth Tirthankar
110 Chandraprabha (Vy) the wife of Chandra
60.108 Chandramat (Vy) the wife of Maruchandra
601103 Chandramal (Bhau) the chest of the West Videha
Giri 5.232 Chandrayash (Vy) a king
501128 Chandrarath (Vy) the son of Ratnachihn
13.21 Chandravati (Vy) the wife of King Meru of Vitabhay Nagar
44.33 Chandravrma (Vy) the son of Krishna
4871 Chandravrma (Vy) a king 50.132