Disclaimer: This translation does not guarantee complete accuracy, please confirm with the original page text.
**Kal (Pa)** A substance that helps in the process of transformation 58.56 **Kal (Bhau)** The great hell located in the east direction of the Indraka, the non-established sense organ of the seventh earth 41158
**Kal (Vy)** The protector deity of the Kalodhika 51638
**Kal (Pa)** A treasure of the Chakravarti 11.110
**Kal (Vy)** The fifth Narada 601548
**Kal-Diti** The collection of knowledge given by the goddess Kal-Diti 22.59 **Kal Keshapur (Bhau)** The city of Vi. Da. 22.98
**Kalmukha (Vy)** A king 31.97 **Kalmukhi** = A knowledge 22/66 **Kalyavan (Vy)** King Jara, the son of Sandhaka 18.24 **Kalashvpaki** = A type of Vidyadharas 26.18
**Ka Sanvar (Vy)** The king of Meghakut Nagar 43149 **Kalajala** = A forest 46.7 **Kalatikram (Pa)** The transgression of the guest 58.183 **Kalingi (Vy)** The wife of Purana 19.5
**Kalindi (Bhi)** The Yamuna river 14/2 **Kalindi (Vy)** The wife of Subhanu 33.99
**Kaliyahi (Vy)** A serpent residing in the Yamuna lake 367 **Kali** A knowledge 22.66 **Kalod Sagar (Bhi)** The Kalodadhi ocean surrounding the Dhataki Khand island 5.562
**Word Index**
**Kavya** = A group of special words that convey beautiful meaning 1144 **Kashi (Bhi)** The country of 11.64
**Kastha** = Direction 54/73 **Kinnarodgit (Bhau)** A city of Vijayardha 19.80 **Kiriti (Vy)** Arjuna 55/5 **Kilvishka** = A type of Devas 3.136 **Kishkindha (Bhau)** The name of the country 11.73
**Farm (Pa)** A Kishku of two hands 7145
**Kichak (Vy)** The son of King Chulik **Kirti (Pa)** The eastern Gopura of the Sphatikasal 57/57
**Kirti (Second) (Vy)** A king of the Kuru dynasty 45.25 **Kirti (Vy)** The goddess residing in the Kesari Sarovar 5.130 **Kortikut (Bhau)** The fifth Kut of the Neel Kulachal 5.100 **Kirtimati (Vy)** The goddess residing on the Ruchkotar Kut of the Ruchikgiri 5.710 **Kukunder** = A special type of pit in the buttocks 8|14 **Kunjaravart (Bhau)** The city of Vi. Da. 22.96
**Kunim (Vy)** The son of Ailey 17.23
**Kuniyan (Bhau)** The name of the country 11.65
**Kundapur (Bhau)** A village near Godavari 31.3
**Kundapur (Bhi)** The birthplace of Mahavir Swami 66.7
**Fuse (Bhau)** The north direction related Kut of the Ruchikgiri 5.716
**Kundalagiri (Bhau)** A mountain shaped like a crown located in the middle of the Kundalvar island 5.686 **Kundalvar Sagar (Bhau)** The eleventh ocean 5618
**Kundalvar Island (Bhi)** The eleventh island 5.618
**Kundala (Bhi)** A city of Videha 5.259
**Kundin (Bhau)** A city located on the banks of the Varada river in the Vidarbha country, it was built by Kunim 17.23
**Kundin (Bhau)** A city 60 39 **Kundin (Bhi)** A city, the birthplace of Rukmini 42.33
**Kutub** = A group of actors 22.13 **Kutirthadhyav** The darkness of the false doctrine 1.14
**Kuntal (Bhau)** The name of the country 11 || 70 **Kumti (Vy)** The sister of Andhakavrishni, the wife of Pandu 18.15 **Kunthu (Vy)** The first Ganadhar of Shreyansanath 60|347 **Kunthu (Vy)** The seventeenth Tirthankar, the sixth Chakravarti 45/20 **Kunthu (Vy)** The first Ganadhar of Aranath 60.348 **Kupaatra (Pa)** The holder of the false doctrine, knowledge, and character 7.114 **Kuptana (Vy)** The Vidya Devata related to the previous birth of Kansa 35.42
**Kupyapramanatikram (Pa)** The transgression of the Parihar Parimaanavrat 58.176
**Kubera (Vy)** A special Deva 1.99