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Kalhamaṣa (Pa) Satyapravada-purva
One of the 12 languages
Language 10192 Kaladhauta = Gold 1143 Kaladhvana - Making sweet sounds
1147 Kalarava = Pigeon 36.1 Kalinga (Bhau) Name of the country 11170 Kalingasena (Vya) A famous Ganika of Champapuri 21141 Kalindasena (Vya) Wife of King Jara Sandha 18.24 Kalopanta = Fainting of a medium-sized village 19.163 Kalpa (Pa) Twenty Kodakodi
Kalpa is called time
Ava + Utsapini 7263 Kalpa (Pa) Sixteen heavens 3.149 Kalpa-Swarga 4.16 Kalpa (Pa) Agrayani-purva
Thing 1079 Karupakalpa (Pa) A type of Anga-Bahya-Shruta 21104 Kalppur (Bhi) City built by King Mahidatta 17129 Kalpbhumi (Pa) Base of Samavasarana 57.5 Kalpavasin = Those who live in heaven
Vimanika Deva 3.135 Kalpavyavahar (Pa) A type of Anga-Bahya-Shruta Kalpavasa Stupa (Pa) Stupa of Samavasarana 57.99 Karupanivaasini - Gods of heaven
Ganas 2177 Kalpatit (Pa) Gods beyond the sixteen heavens 33150 Kalyanapurva (Pa) A type of Purvagata-Shruta 2.99
In Harivansha Purana Kalyananagana (Pa) A land of Samavasarana 57167 Kallivanopaanta (Bho) Name of the country 11171 Kakshi (Bhau) Name of the country
11172 Kakanimani = A gem of the Chakravarti which emits light
11.27 Kakali = One of the fourteen fainting sounds 19.169 Kaksha (Bhi) First earth
First Prastar related to the first Prithvi, a Maha Naraka located in the east direction of the Simantaka Indraka 4.151 Kanchana (Bho) Vi. U. Nagari
22188 Kanchana (Bho) Rucikagirika
North direction related Kut
5716 Kanchana (Bhau) Ninth Indraka of Saudharma Yugal 6.45 Kanchana (Vya) Devi residing on the Kumud Kut of Rucikagirika
5713 Kanchanaka (Vya) Devas residing on the Kuts of Meru Parvat 5.204 Kanchanakut (Bhau) A special mountain located on the banks of Sita-Sitoada rivers 5.200 Kanchanakut (Bhau) A Kut of Rucikagirika 5705 Kachanakut (Bhau) A Kut of Saumanas Parvat 5.221 Kanchanpur (Bhau) A city in Kalinga country 24.11. Kanchanarath (Vya) Son of Jarasandha
Kanta (Vya) Wife of Bhanushena
33499 Kadambari Madhira 6036 Kandishika Running away from fear
3065 Kanin = Son in the stage of a girl
Karna 50188 Kapathmalavil (Vi) Malined by the dirt of the wrong path 1.15 Kapishta (Bhau) Eighth heaven 4.15 Kapishthalayan (Vya) A Brahmin
18.103 Kapoteleshya = A type of Leshya 4.343 Kama (Vya) Rudra 60571 Kama (Vya) Pradyumna 48.13 Kamativraabhinivesha (Pa) Excess of Brahma
Chanu-vrat 58.174 Kamada (Vya) Rudra 60571 Kamadatta (Vya) A Seth of Shravasti 28.118 Kamadrishti (Vya) Grihapati-ratna of Chakravarti 11028 Kamadeva (Vya) A Seth born in the lineage of Kamadatta Seth of Shravasti
29.6 Kamadeva (Vya) Ganadhara of Rishabhdeva 12.69 Kamapataka (Vya) Daughter of Rangasena Ganika 29.27 Kamboj (Bho) Name of the country 11166 Kayotsarga Giving up attachment to the body for a definite time
34.146 Karna (Bhau) Special country 36 Kartvirya (Vya) A king born in the Kaurava lineage of Gajpur (Hastinapur) 25.8.