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In the Harivamsha Purana, it is said that:
* **61.19** One should immerse oneself in it.
* **35.71** What is the cessation of the proclamation?
* **4.155** The one who is called "Nissrishtaatinissrishta".
* **76** There is another cause there.
* **29.45** This story has been narrated.
* **53.18** Jarasandha was killed.
* **3.12** The blinking and unblinking of the eyes.
* **50.100** When the battle ceased, we lived.
* **51.32** Some were killed by the Pandavas.
* **23.190** The ones with low hands are the ones who are weak.
* **71.14** They have ceased from gross violence, etc.
* **36.10** Those who have the weight of lotuses placed on them.
* **7.143** All people are controlled.
* **66.147** Avoiding the waves of greed.
* **23.24** By the lower one, Neelakantha.
* **10.649** Destiny and nature.
* **43.106** This was narrated to them.
* **22.126** He was taken away at night, having been freed from the three.
* **6.32** Having gone a niyuta and a niyuta.
* **54.14** This was narrated by the gods.
* **24.72** Taken away by the force of the mind.
* **72.6** The supreme one with a niyuta limbs.
* **12.46** The one with the wheel entered Parvati.
* **19.68** Having taken him to the elephant forest.
* **10.53** Independent of the time of destiny.
* **14.92** Having heard of the forest garland.
* **3.27** Day and night with lotuses.
* **10.51** The soul has its own destiny.
* **37.146** Having heard this, she dreamt of the fruit.
* **31.175** With a net of arrows that do not have holes.
* **57.76** Continuously entering and exiting.
* **35.16** Having heard this, she dreamt of the fruit.
* **26.17** The colors of blue, black, and yellow.
* **62.24** He rejects the thirst for water.
* **27.173** Having heard the king's words.
* **60.1570** Neelakantha and Ashvakandha.
* **37.11** Rejecting the night with sharp.
* **60.73** Having heard that he is the self-born.
* **60.213** Neelakantha with a shining throat.
* **41.19** Rejecting the infinite.
* **41.10** Having heard the ocean roar.
* **8.27** Blue, with a soft belly.
* **52.92** Having seen by Madhusudana.
* **43.154** Having heard this, he bowed to the guru.
* **5.167** In the middle of the blue mountain.
* **47.181** The one who is without means, the one who knows means.
* **45.83** Having heard this, the gentle one said.
* **52.9** Blue saffron hair.
* **43.193** Restrained by sharp weapons.
* **34.132** Without fear, eight qualities.
* **23.4** His son, a blue girl.
* **4.156** The one who is called "Niruddhaatiniruddha".
* **49.27** At night, a sharp sword, pure.
* **23.17** The one with a heavy wife, blue.
* **43.198** Restraining the excessive courage.
* **8.55** It is certain that he will live for six months.
* **22.154** Blue, blue fame, fame.
* **54.30** Having gone from there, without means.
* **16.30** Completely flowing out water.
* **26.14** Blue cloud, dark.
* **43.13** Having described Rukmini, the truthful one.
* **22.69** In all the groups, without exception.
* **18.5104** The one who is called "Nishriautamana".
* **5.610** Situated in the part touched by the blue mountain.
* **61.14** The girls who have been described.
* **5.608** Situated in the part touched by the blue mountain.
* **19.28** At the exit and entrance.
* **10.138** He is called "Nishadyaka".
* **23.9** Sita was taken from the blue mountain.
* **61.690** Having gone out, the exit city.
* **5.309** Situated in the part touched by Nishadha.
* **6.98** Blue, etc., and the others, even though they are virtuous.
* **5.607** Situated in the part touched by Nishadha.
* **4.157** The one who is called "Neelakhya" and "Mahaneela".
* **57.111** After the creation of the husband.
* **5.196** North of Nishadha, in the river.
* **5.191** On the south side of the blue mountain.
* **5.192** On the north side of Nishadha.
* **22.19** Blue lotus petal, dark.
* **19.10** He goes out, the sun's rays.
* **5.270** Nishadha, blue, until then.
* **52.11** These are like blue lotuses.
* **58.587** The court of the execution.
* **65.7** As in the present day, in the assembly.
* **34.13** The human being, the mind, the body.
* **58.586** The execution and the deposit.
* **19.224** Nishadha and the part of Nishadha.
* **8.233** The shining of the dancing celestial beings.
* **10.80** Nirvana and knowledge are to be known in this way.
* **19.209** Nishadha, Shadaj, and so on.
* **43.160** The group of dancing celestial nymphs.
* **42.175** He was the supporter of them.
* **21.106** Even though it is forbidden, the killing of Droupadi.
* **29.28** Dancing, by the king's order.
* **20.134** The burning fire is being sown.
* **60.1216** The exit, having done good.
* **24.64** You have gone out, outside the boundary.
* **21.143** At the beginning of the dance, another time for her.
* **19.31** King, who does not know this?
* **60.20** He was exiled, being in opposition.
* **34.110** The western half of the liberation.
* **9.122** The names of those who have gone out.
* **55.121** A thousand kings, I have not measured.
* **34.99** The eastern half of the liberation.
* **60.214** The exit of Vasupujya.
* **33.170** The elder brother, having given the land.
* **60.275** He was liberated on the fifth day of the bright fortnight.
* **23.183** The neck of the one who has lost his wealth.
* **54.43** The king, he is at the city gate.
* **43.1155** The one who is a beggar, having abandoned his poverty.
* **20.143** By those who are going out and entering.
* **14.107** The king, lying down, with a beautiful face.
* **56.33** The village of the cessation of action.
* **64.50** For the sake of being free from attachment and fear.
* **19.16** King, you are the protector of the people.