Disclaimer: This translation does not guarantee complete accuracy, please confirm with the original page text.
## Verse Index and Glossary
**Verse Index:**
* 831
* 1679
* 29.9
* 19.23
* 2.127
* 12139
* 211178
* 4.252
* 4.257
* 4.290
* 4.288
* 4.267
* 4.262
* 50.133
* 65.45
* 22.129
* 5.352
* 81166
* 20197
* 2.40
* 17119
* 1713
* 2.38
* 5.665
* 174126
* 22176
* 6218
* 50689
* 9.31
* 55199
* 46.48
* 43.140
* 49.40
* 34.2
* 33.44
* 29.54
* 19689
* 23.35
* 48.37
* 47120
* 61.36
* 61150
* 13108
* 59.44
* 19.186
* 24178
* 24.15
* 5.643
* 113
* 47.137
* 38.36
* 601555
* 11482
* 64.121
* 33.102
* 42.21
* 211171
* 19.55
* 191126
* 42165
* 24184
* 221119
* 34.20
* 24.9
* 21142
* 64.120
* 178
* 61486
* 54156
* 32.31
* 66.5
* 36.36
* 33.103
* 49.11
* 558
* 23.150
* 35.66
* 55.38
* 24.46
* 3817
* 43.142
* 40112
* 62.46
* 52.36
* 52.89
* 43.28
* 2.34
* 8.144
* 8176
* 47.72
* 33.77
* 10186
* 7.107
* 12.29
* 64.89
* 19.182
* 3.99
* 106
* 56184
* 58.293
* 58.250
* 62.62
* 58182
* 3.132
* 3.192
* 28
* 12.68
* 5.548
* 5.245
* 5.58
* 111122
* 48
* 8.17
* **श्लोकानामकाराद्यनुक्रमः:** Verse Index
* **एवं:** Thus, so
* **वसन्ततिलक:** Spring Festival
* **प्रचुर:** Abundant
* **विधवचः:** Words of the wise
* **श्रुत्वा:** Hearing
* **सति:** Being
* **सुखे:** In happiness
* **दुःखं:** Sorrow
* **समितयः:** Groups
* **पञ्च:** Five
* **सोमप्रभो:** Moon-like
* **देवि:** Goddess
* **यादवसंबन्धः:** Connection to the Yadavas
* **चैवापरा:** And another
* **भ्रान्ते:** Confused
* **विपश्चिद्भिर:** By the wise
* **तमिस्रेऽपि:** Even in darkness
* **झषे हीना:** Lacking in the sound "jh"
* **अन्तरा वेद्या:** To be known internally
* **आवादि:** Said
* **विद्वद्भिर्:** By the learned
* **गरुडव्यहो:** Garuda-like
* **कृष्ण:** Krishna
* **स्वागतमित्याह:** Said "Welcome"
* **ऐन्द्र:** Indra-like
* **दअिणमेतेषां:** These are the southern ones
* **कुम्भमहाम्भोदाः:** Great water-pots
* **ऐरा:** Aira
* **विश्वसेनश्च:** And Vishvasena
* **ऐरावतं:** Airavata (Indra's elephant)
* **समारोप्य:** Having mounted
* **ऐलेयः:** Aileya
* **स्थापितो:** Established
* **राजा:** King
* **ऐलेयाख्यमिलायां:** In the Aileya clan
* **ऐशानधारितस्फीत:** With the Isana (Shiva) held aloft
* **लोकपालस्य:** Of the guardian of the world
* **ऐश्वयं:** Wealth
* **रूढिशब्दस्य:** Of the established word
* **ओषधीश्चापि विद्याश्च:** And also herbs and knowledge
* **कण्टकं:** Thorn
* **कुण्डलं चापि:** And also earrings
* **कण्ठलग्ना:** Hanging from the neck
* **रुदन्ती:** Crying
* **कण्ठाश्लेषोचिताः:** Suitable for embracing the neck
* **पूर्व:** Before
* **कतिपयाहभवं वत किंपुनः:** What is the point of a few days?
* **कतिचित्पूर्वजन्मानि:** Some previous births
* **कथंचिद्यदि मोक्षः:** If liberation somehow
* **कथमपि कार्यसिद्धिमुप:** Somehow achieving the goal
* **कथं नाथ जिनो भावी:** How, O Lord, will the Jina be born?
* **कथं वा मम पुत्रोऽस्य:** How will my son be his?
* **कथं वा तापसि ! प्रोप्तो:** How, O ascetic, has he attained?
* **कथितं मुनिना दिव्य:** Said by the divine sage
* **कथं द्वैविध्यमेतेषा:** How is the duality of these?
* **कथा पुनर्नवीभूता:** The story is renewed
* **कथेयं कुरुवीरस्य:** This is the story of the Kuru warrior
* **कदम्बवनकुण्डेपु:** In the Kadamba forest pond
* **कदम्बवनसंन्यस्तां:** Placed in the Kadamba forest
* **कदनं:** Slaughter
* **पाण्डुपुत्राणां:** Of the sons of Pandu
* **कदली नालिके रेक्षु:** Banana, coconut, sugarcane
* **कदाचित् षाडवीभूताः:** Perhaps they became six
* **कदाचित्सह सुप्तोऽसौ:** Perhaps he slept with her
* **कदाचित्तु हृते मासे:** Perhaps in the stolen month
* **कनकः:** Gold
* **कनकाभश्च:** And golden-colored
* **कनत्कनकदण्डानि:** Golden staffs
* **कनकनकमालया:** With golden garlands
* **कनकनकचित्रया:** With golden paintings
* **कनत्कनकसंकाशः:** Resembling golden
* **कनिष्ठोऽत्राजयज्ज्येष्ठं:** The youngest here defeated the eldest
* **कनीयान् जिनदत्तस्तां:** The younger Jina gave her
* **कनीयांसं महाकाले:** The younger one in the great time
* **कन्दर्पस्य विजेतापि:** Even the conqueror of Kamadeva
* **कन्याया भ्रातरौ नाना:** The brothers of the girl were different
* **कन्यानन्यसमा तस्य:** His daughter was unparalleled
* **कन्यार्थी च यशोऽर्थी च:** A seeker of a wife and a seeker of fame
* **कन्यादानकृतारम्भ:** The beginning of the giving of the daughter
* **कन्यां मदनवेगां च:** The girl, and the speed of Kamadeva
* **कन्याया मानसं प्रश्ने:** In the matter of the girl's mind
* **कन्याकूतविदूचे स:** He, the wise one, of the girl's assembly
* **कन्याः पञ्चशतान्यत्र:** Five hundred girls elsewhere
* **कन्यासी नृत्यगीतादि:** The girl, dancing, singing, etc.
* **कन्यां तामपि दुर्गन्ध:** That girl, even though she was foul-smelling
* **कन्यया हृतचित्तश्च:** And his mind was stolen by the girl
* **कपाटं पादघातेन:** The door by the sound of footsteps
* **कपिलो वासुदेवोऽपि:** Kapila, even Vasudeva
* **कपिलं तत्र पुत्रं स्वं:** Kapila, his son there
* **कपिष्टनामान्वयभूषणस्:** The ornament of the lineage named Kapishta
* **कमलकिसलयोद्यन्:** The lotus bud rising
* **कमलायास्तदा भर्ता:** Her husband at that time
* **करपदमुद्रिकाकटकनूपुर:** The ring, the bracelet, the anklet on the hand
* **करसलेन महीतलमुद्धरेज्:** He lifted the earth with his hand
* **करालब्रह्मदत्तन:** By the fierce Brahmadatta
* **कराङ्गुलिस्पर्शसुखं सरासे:** The pleasure of the touch of his fingers in the lake
* **करिकटेषु युगच्छदगन्धिषु:** In the lotus ponds, fragrant with the season
* **करिणं निर्मदीकृत्य:** Having humbled the elephant
* **कारीन्द्रमकरस्फुरत्:** The king of elephants, shining like a crocodile
* **करुणावानसौ योगी:** That yogi was compassionate
* **करेण कः स्पृशेदज्ञः:** Who, knowing, would touch with his hand?
* **करोति सज्जनो यत्नं:** The good man makes an effort
* **कर्कोटकहृषीकेशौ:** The crab and the one with long hair
* **कर्णः:** Ear
* **सुदर्शनोद्याने:** In the Sudarshana garden
* **कर्णामृतमिवाकर्ण्य:** Hearing like nectar for the ears
* **कर्णान्तरततासक्त:** Attached to the inner ear
* **कर्णचामरशङ्खाङ्क:** The ear, the fly whisk, the conch, the mark
* **कर्णावक्षतकायस्य:** Of the one with ears and chest
* **कर्णे कथितमेतस्य:** This was said in his ear
* **कर्तव्यं मम नास्तीति:** "I have no duty,"
* **कर्मस्थितिकमित्युक्तं:** It is said that karma is the state of being
* **कर्मभूमिगता मा:** Do not go to the land of karma
* **कर्मभूमि भवेनापि:** Even by being in the land of karma
* **कर्मभूमिषु सर्वासु:** In all the lands of karma
* **कर्मारवी च संपूर्णा:** And the karma-fire is complete
* **कर्मणोऽष्टविधस्येवं:** Thus, of the eight kinds of karma
* **कर्मक्षयसमुद्भूत:** Born from the destruction of karma
* **कर्मप्रकृतभावो हि:** For the nature of karma is
* **कर्मणोऽनुभवात्तस्मात्:** Therefore, from the experience of karma
* **कर्मोदयवशोपात्त:** Obtained by the power of the rise of karma
* **कर्मगौरवदोषेण:** By the fault of the weight of karma
* **कर्मोदयवशात्पापाद्:** From sin, by the power of the rise of karma
* **कर्मभूमिषु सर्वासु:** In all the lands of karma
* **क एष भगवान् वंशो:** What is this lineage of the Lord?
* **ककुभोऽभासयद्यस्य:** Whose crest shone
* **कच्छश्चापि महाकच्छः:** And Kachchha, the great Kachchha
* **कच्छास्यविजयायाम:** In the victory of Kachchha
* **कच्छा सुकच्छा महाकच्छा:** Kachchha, Sukachchha, Mahakachchha
* **कच्छादिषु यथासंख्य:** In Kachchha, etc., according to their number
* **कटकैः कटिसूत्राद्यैः:** With belts, waistbands, etc.
* **कटिस्थकरयुग्मस्य:** Of the pair of hands on the waist
* **कठिनस्तनचक्राभ्यां:** By the hard breasts
* **कण्ठलग्ना रुदन्ती तं:** She, crying, clung to his neck
* **कण्ठाश्लेषोचिताः पूर्व:** Suitable for embracing the neck, before
* **कतिपयाहभवं वत किंपुनः:** What is the point of a few days?
* **कतिचित्पूर्वजन्मानि:** Some previous births
* **कथंचिद्यदि मोक्षः:** If liberation somehow
* **कथमपि कार्यसिद्धिमुप:** Somehow achieving the goal
* **कथं नाथ जिनो भावी:** How, O Lord, will the Jina be born?
* **कथं वा मम पुत्रोऽस्य:** How will my son be his?
* **कथं वा तापसि ! प्रोप्तो:** How, O ascetic, has he attained?
* **कथितं मुनिना दिव्य:** Said by the divine sage
* **कथं द्वैविध्यमेतेषा:** How is the duality of these?
* **कथा पुनर्नवीभूता:** The story is renewed
* **कथेयं कुरुवीरस्य:** This is the story of the Kuru warrior
* **कदम्बवनकुण्डेपु:** In the Kadamba forest pond
* **कदम्बवनसंन्यस्तां:** Placed in the Kadamba forest
* **कदनं:** Slaughter
* **पाण्डुपुत्राणां:** Of the sons of Pandu
* **कदली नालिके रेक्षु:** Banana, coconut, sugarcane
* **कदाचित् षाडवीभूताः:** Perhaps they became six
* **कदाचित्सह सुप्तोऽसौ:** Perhaps he slept with her
* **कदाचित्तु हृते मासे:** Perhaps in the stolen month
* **कनकः:** Gold
* **कनकाभश्च:** And golden-colored
* **कनत्कनकदण्डानि:** Golden staffs
* **कनकनकमालया:** With golden garlands
* **कनकनकचित्रया:** With golden paintings
* **कनत्कनकसंकाशः:** Resembling golden
* **कनिष्ठोऽत्राजयज्ज्येष्ठं:** The youngest here defeated the eldest
* **कनीयान् जिनदत्तस्तां:** The younger Jina gave her
* **कनीयांसं महाकाले:** The younger one in the great time
* **कन्दर्पस्य विजेतापि:** Even the conqueror of Kamadeva
* **कन्याया भ्रातरौ नाना:** The brothers of the girl were different
* **कन्यानन्यसमा तस्य:** His daughter was unparalleled
* **कन्यार्थी च यशोऽर्थी च:** A seeker of a wife and a seeker of fame
* **कन्यादानकृतारम्भ:** The beginning of the giving of the daughter
* **कन्यां मदनवेगां च:** The girl, and the speed of Kamadeva
* **कन्याया मानसं प्रश्ने:** In the matter of the girl's mind
* **कन्याकूतविदूचे स:** He, the wise one, of the girl's assembly
* **कन्याः पञ्चशतान्यत्र:** Five hundred girls elsewhere
* **कन्यासी नृत्यगीतादि:** The girl, dancing, singing, etc.
* **कन्यां तामपि दुर्गन्ध:** That girl, even though she was foul-smelling
* **कन्यया हृतचित्तश्च:** And his mind was stolen by the girl
* **कपाटं पादघातेन:** The door by the sound of footsteps
* **कपिलो वासुदेवोऽपि:** Kapila, even Vasudeva
* **कपिलं तत्र पुत्रं स्वं:** Kapila, his son there
* **कपिष्टनामान्वयभूषणस्:** The ornament of the lineage named Kapishta
* **कमलकिसलयोद्यन्:** The lotus bud rising
* **कमलायास्तदा भर्ता:** Her husband at that time
* **करपदमुद्रिकाकटकनूपुर:** The ring, the bracelet, the anklet on the hand
* **करसलेन महीतलमुद्धरेज्:** He lifted the earth with his hand
* **करालब्रह्मदत्तन:** By the fierce Brahmadatta
* **कराङ्गुलिस्पर्शसुखं सरासे:** The pleasure of the touch of his fingers in the lake
* **करिकटेषु युगच्छदगन्धिषु:** In the lotus ponds, fragrant with the season
* **करिणं निर्मदीकृत्य:** Having humbled the elephant
* **कारीन्द्रमकरस्फुरत्:** The king of elephants, shining like a crocodile
* **करुणावानसौ योगी:** That yogi was compassionate
* **करेण कः स्पृशेदज्ञः:** Who, knowing, would touch with his hand?
* **करोति सज्जनो यत्नं:** The good man makes an effort
* **कर्कोटकहृषीकेशौ:** The crab and the one with long hair
* **कर्णः:** Ear
* **सुदर्शनोद्याने:** In the Sudarshana garden
* **कर्णामृतमिवाकर्ण्य:** Hearing like nectar for the ears
* **कर्णान्तरततासक्त:** Attached to the inner ear
* **कर्णचामरशङ्खाङ्क:** The ear, the fly whisk, the conch, the mark
* **कर्णावक्षतकायस्य:** Of the one with ears and chest
* **कर्णे कथितमेतस्य:** This was said in his ear
* **कर्तव्यं मम नास्तीति:** "I have no duty,"
* **कर्मस्थितिकमित्युक्तं:** It is said that karma is the state of being
* **कर्मभूमिगता मा:** Do not go to the land of karma
* **कर्मभूमि भवेनापि:** Even by being in the land of karma
* **कर्मभूमिषु सर्वासु:** In all the lands of karma
* **कर्मारवी च संपूर्णा:** And the karma-fire is complete
* **कर्मणोऽष्टविधस्येवं:** Thus, of the eight kinds of karma
* **कर्मक्षयसमुद्भूत:** Born from the destruction of karma
* **कर्मप्रकृतभावो हि:** For the nature of karma is
* **कर्मणोऽनुभवात्तस्मात्:** Therefore, from the experience of karma
* **कर्मोदयवशोपात्त:** Obtained by the power of the rise of karma
* **कर्मगौरवदोषेण:** By the fault of the weight of karma
* **कर्मोदयवशात्पापाद्:** From sin, by the power of the rise of karma
* **कर्मभूमिषु सर्वासु:** In all the lands of karma
* **क एष भगवान् वंशो:** What is this lineage of the Lord?
* **ककुभोऽभासयद्यस्य:** Whose crest shone
* **कच्छश्चापि महाकच्छः:** And Kachchha, the great Kachchha
* **कच्छास्यविजयायाम:** In the victory of Kachchha
* **कच्छा सुकच्छा महाकच्छा:** Kachchha, Sukachchha, Mahakachchha
* **कच्छादिषु यथासंख्य:** In Kachchha, etc., according to their number
* **कटकैः कटिसूत्राद्यैः:** With belts, waistbands, etc.
* **कटिस्थकरयुग्मस्य:** Of the pair of hands on the waist
* **कठिनस्तनचक्राभ्यां:** By the hard breasts
* **कण्ठलग्ना रुदन्ती तं:** She, crying, clung to his neck
* **कण्ठाश्लेषोचिताः पूर्व:** Suitable for embracing the neck, before
* **कतिपयाहभवं वत किंपुनः:** What is the point of a few days?
* **कतिचित्पूर्वजन्मानि:** Some previous births
* **कथंचिद्यदि मोक्षः:** If liberation somehow
* **कथमपि कार्यसिद्धिमुप:** Somehow achieving the goal
* **कथं नाथ जिनो भावी:** How, O Lord, will the Jina be born?
* **कथं वा मम पुत्रोऽस्य:** How will my son be his?
* **कथं वा तापसि ! प्रोप्तो:** How, O ascetic, has he attained?
* **कथितं मुनिना दिव्य:** Said by the divine sage
* **कथं द्वैविध्यमेतेषा:** How is the duality of these?
* **कथा पुनर्नवीभूता:** The story is renewed
* **कथेयं कुरुवीरस्य:** This is the story of the Kuru warrior
* **कदम्बवनकुण्डेपु:** In the Kadamba forest pond
* **कदम्बवनसंन्यस्तां:** Placed in the Kadamba forest
* **कदनं:** Slaughter
* **पाण्डुपुत्राणां:** Of the sons of Pandu
* **कदली नालिके रेक्षु:** Banana, coconut, sugarcane
* **कदाचित् षाडवीभूताः:** Perhaps they became six
* **कदाचित्सह सुप्तोऽसौ:** Perhaps he slept with her
* **कदाचित्तु हृते मासे:** Perhaps in the stolen month
* **कनकः:** Gold
* **कनकाभश्च:** And golden-colored
* **कनत्कनकदण्डानि:** Golden staffs
* **कनकनकमालया:** With golden garlands
* **कनकनकचित्रया:** With golden paintings
* **कनत्कनकसंकाशः:** Resembling golden
* **कनिष्ठोऽत्राजयज्ज्येष्ठं:** The youngest here defeated the eldest
* **कनीयान् जिनदत्तस्तां:** The younger Jina gave her
* **कनीयांसं महाकाले:** The younger one in the great time
* **कन्दर्पस्य विजेतापि:** Even the conqueror of Kamadeva
* **कन्याया भ्रातरौ नाना:** The brothers of the girl were different
* **कन्यानन्यसमा तस्य:** His daughter was unparalleled
* **कन्यार्थी च यशोऽर्थी च:** A seeker of a wife and a seeker of fame
* **कन्यादानकृतारम्भ:** The beginning of the giving of the daughter
* **कन्यां मदनवेगां च:** The girl, and the speed of Kamadeva
* **कन्याया मानसं प्रश्ने:** In the matter of the girl's mind
* **कन्याकूतविदूचे स:** He, the wise one, of the girl's assembly
* **कन्याः पञ्चशतान्यत्र:** Five hundred girls elsewhere
* **कन्यासी नृत्यगीतादि:** The girl, dancing, singing, etc.
* **कन्यां तामपि दुर्गन्ध:** That girl, even though she was foul-smelling
* **कन्यया हृतचित्तश्च:** And his mind was stolen by the girl
* **कपाटं पादघातेन:** The door by the sound of footsteps
* **कपिलो वासुदेवोऽपि:** Kapila, even Vasudeva
* **कपिलं तत्र पुत्रं स्वं:** Kapila, his son there
* **कपिष्टनामान्वयभूषणस्:** The ornament of the lineage named Kapishta
* **कमलकिसलयोद्यन्:** The lotus bud rising
* **कमलायास्तदा भर्ता:** Her husband at that time
* **करपदमुद्रिकाकटकनूपुर:** The ring, the bracelet, the anklet on the hand
* **करसलेन महीतलमुद्धरेज्:** He lifted the earth with his hand
* **करालब्रह्मदत्तन:** By the fierce Brahmadatta
* **कराङ्गुलिस्पर्शसुखं सरासे:** The pleasure of the touch of his fingers in the lake
* **करिकटेषु युगच्छदगन्धिषु:** In the lotus ponds, fragrant with the season
* **करिणं निर्मदीकृत्य:** Having humbled the elephant
* **कारीन्द्रमकरस्फुरत्:** The king of elephants, shining like a crocodile
* **करुणावानसौ योगी:** That yogi was compassionate
* **करेण कः स्पृशेदज्ञः:** Who, knowing, would touch with his hand?
* **करोति सज्जनो यत्नं:** The good man makes an effort
* **कर्कोटकहृषीकेशौ:** The crab and the one with long hair
* **कर्णः:** Ear
* **सुदर्शनोद्याने:** In the Sudarshana garden
* **कर्णामृतमिवाकर्ण्य:** Hearing like nectar for the ears
* **कर्णान्तरततासक्त:** Attached to the inner ear
* **कर्णचामरशङ्खाङ्क:** The ear, the fly whisk, the conch, the mark
* **कर्णावक्षतकायस्य:** Of the one with ears and chest
* **कर्णे कथितमेतस्य:** This was said in his ear
* **कर्तव्यं मम नास्तीति:** "I have no duty,"
* **कर्मस्थितिकमित्युक्तं:** It is said that karma is the state of being
* **कर्मभूमिगता मा:** Do not go to the land of karma
* **कर्मभूमि भवेनापि:** Even by being in the land of karma
* **कर्मभूमिषु सर्वासु:** In all the lands of karma
* **कर्मारवी च संपूर्णा:** And the karma-fire is complete
* **कर्मणोऽष्टविधस्येवं:** Thus, of the eight kinds of karma
* **कर्मक्षयसमुद्भूत:** Born from the destruction of karma
* **कर्मप्रकृतभावो हि:** For the nature of karma is
* **कर्मणोऽनुभवात्तस्मात्:** Therefore, from the experience of karma
* **कर्मोदयवशोपात्त:** Obtained by the power of the rise of karma
* **कर्मगौरवदोषेण:** By the fault of the weight of karma
* **कर्मोदयवशात्पापाद्:** From sin, by the power of the rise of karma
* **कर्मभूमिषु सर्वासु:** In all the lands of karma
* **क एष भगवान् वंशो:** What is this lineage of the Lord?
* **ककुभोऽभासयद्यस्य:** Whose crest shone
* **कच्छश्चापि महाकच्छः:** And Kachchha, the great Kachchha
* **कच्छास्यविजयायाम:** In the victory of Kachchha
* **कच्छा सुकच्छा महाकच्छा:** Kachchha, Sukachchha, Mahakachchha
* **कच्छादिषु यथासंख्य:** In Kachchha, etc., according to their number
* **कटकैः कटिसूत्राद्यैः:** With belts, waistbands, etc.
* **कटिस्थकरयुग्मस्य:** Of the pair of hands on the waist
* **कठिनस्तनचक्राभ्यां:** By the hard breasts
* **कण्ठलग्ना रुदन्ती तं:** She, crying, clung to his neck
* **कण्ठाश्लेषोचिताः पूर्व:** Suitable for embracing the neck, before
* **कतिपयाहभवं वत किंपुनः:** What is the point of a few days?
* **कतिचित्पूर्वजन्मानि:** Some previous births
* **कथंचिद्यदि मोक्षः:** If liberation somehow
* **कथमपि कार्यसिद्धिमुप:** Somehow achieving the goal
* **कथं नाथ जिनो भावी:** How, O Lord, will the Jina be born?
* **कथं वा मम पुत्रोऽस्य:** How will my son be his?
* **कथं वा तापसि ! प्रोप्तो:** How, O ascetic, has he attained?
* **कथितं मुनिना दिव्य:** Said by the divine sage
* **कथं द्वैविध्यमेतेषा:** How is the duality of these?
* **कथा पुनर्नवीभूता:** The story is renewed
* **कथेयं कुरुवीरस्य:** This is the story of the Kuru warrior
* **कदम्बवनकुण्डेपु:** In the Kadamba forest pond
* **कदम्बवनसंन्यस्तां:** Placed in the Kadamba forest
* **कदनं:** Slaughter
* **पाण्डुपुत्राणां:** Of the sons of Pandu
* **कदली नालिके रेक्षु:** Banana, coconut, sugarcane
* **कदाचित् षाडवीभूताः:** Perhaps they became six
* **कदाचित्सह सुप्तोऽसौ:** Perhaps he slept with her
* **कदाचित्तु हृते मासे:** Perhaps in the stolen month
* **कनकः:** Gold
* **कनकाभश्च:** And golden-colored
* **कनत्कनकदण्डानि:** Golden staffs
* **कनकनकमालया:** With golden garlands
* **कनकनकचित्रया:** With golden paintings
* **कनत्कनकसंकाशः:** Resembling golden
* **कनिष्ठोऽत्राजयज्ज्येष्ठं:** The youngest here defeated the eldest
* **कनीयान् जिनदत्तस्तां:** The younger Jina gave her
* **कनीयांसं महाकाले:** The younger one in the great time
* **कन्दर्पस्य विजेतापि:** Even the conqueror of Kamadeva
* **कन्याया भ्रातरौ नाना:** The brothers of the girl were different
* **कन्यानन्यसमा तस्य:** His daughter was unparalleled
* **कन्यार्थी च यशोऽर्थी च:** A seeker of a wife and a seeker of fame
* **कन्यादानकृतारम्भ:** The beginning of the giving of the daughter
* **कन्यां मदनवेगां च:** The girl, and the speed of Kamadeva
* **कन्याया मानसं प्रश्ने:** In the matter of the girl's mind
* **कन्याकूतविदूचे स:** He, the wise one, of the girl's assembly
* **कन्याः पञ्चशतान्यत्र:** Five hundred girls elsewhere
* **कन्यासी नृत्यगीतादि:** The girl, dancing, singing, etc.
* **कन्यां तामपि दुर्गन्ध:** That girl, even though she was foul-smelling
* **कन्यया हृतचित्तश्च:** And his mind was stolen by the girl
* **कपाटं पादघातेन:** The door by the sound of footsteps
* **कपिलो वासुदेवोऽपि:** Kapila, even Vasudeva
* **कपिलं तत्र पुत्रं स्वं:** Kapila, his son there
* **कपिष्टनामान्वयभूषणस्:** The ornament