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## Harivamsha-Sooktayah
**Verse Number** | **Verse** | **Translation**
------- | -------- | --------
18.149 | निर्गुणापि गुणान् सद्भिः कर्णपूरीकृताकृतिः। का वा कठिनचित्तस्य जिनशासनभक्तता॥ | Even though devoid of qualities, the form of the virtuous is adorned with qualities. Who can be devoted to the Jina's teachings with a hardened heart?
142 | बिभत्र्येव वधूवक्त्रश्चूतस्येवाग्रमञ्जरी ॥ | Like the face of a bride, or the first bud of a mango tree.
18.150 | पुनर्बोधिपरिप्राप्तिर्दुलभा भवसंकटे ॥ | Reacquiring enlightenment is rare in the midst of worldly troubles.
1243 | साधुरस्यति काव्यस्य दोषवत्ता मयाचितः ।। यन्नोपयुज्यते यस्य धनं वा वपुरेव वा। पावकः शोधयत्येव कलधौतस्य कालिकाम् ॥ | I have pointed out the flaws in this good poetry. What is useless, whose wealth or body is useless, fire purifies even the blackest of iron.
18.146 | स्वशासनजने तेन तस्य किं बन्धुहेतुना ॥ | What is the need for a relative for him, when he has people of his own religion?
1.46 | दुर्वचो विषदुष्टान्तर्मुखस्फुरितजिह्वकान् । भिलाषिणः । | Those with poisonous words, evil intentions, and tongues that speak harshly, are greedy.
19.106 | रजो बहुलमारूक्षं खलं कालं विदाहिनम् । वैरिणो ननु हन्तारो हन्तव्यं नात्र दुर्यशः।। | The time of the wicked is like a burning fire, full of dust and harsh. Enemies are indeed killers, but there is no shame in killing them.
1247 | सन्तः काले कलध्वानाः शमयन्ति यथा घनाः ॥ | The virtuous calm the noise of the world, just as clouds calm the thunder.
4.384 | निर्वाप्यते ज्वलनग्निर्जलेन सुमहानपि । आलोके जिनभानुना विरचिते ध्वान्तस्य वा कुतोऽन्यतः ॥ | Even a great fire is extinguished by water. Where else can darkness be dispelled except by the light of the Jina's sun?
20134 | मौनं सर्वार्थसाधनम् ॥ | Silence is the means to achieve all goals.
9.129 | साधोः शीतलशीलस्य तापनं न हि शान्तये । | The heat of a virtuous person with a cool disposition is not for peace.
9.131 | गाढतप्तो दहत्येव तोयात्मा विकृति गतः ॥ | One who is deeply heated burns, even if his essence is water, due to his distorted nature.
20137 | विद्या लाभो गुरोर्वशात् । | Knowledge is gained through the grace of the Guru.
9.130 | किं न स्याद् गुरुसेवया ॥ | What is not possible through service to the Guru?
21.32 | तदेवोपकृतं पुंसां यत् सद्भावदर्शनम् ॥ | The greatest benefit for men is the sight of good conduct.
21.37 | सर्वतोऽपि सुदुःप्रेक्ष्यां नरेन्द्राणामपि स्वयम् । दृष्टिं दृष्टिविषस्येव धिक्-धिक् लक्ष्मी भयावहाम् ॥ | Even for kings, it is very difficult to see, even for themselves, the sight of Lakshmi, which is like poison to the eyes, and terrifying.
1194 | दृष्टश्रुतानुभूतं हि नवं धृतिकरं नृणाम् ॥ | What is seen, heard, and experienced is new and strengthens the courage of people.
21.39 | शास्त्रव्यसनमन्येषां व्यसनानां हि बाधकम् | | Addiction to scriptures is a hindrance to other addictions.
11196 | सति बन्धुविरोधे हि न सुखं न धनं नृणाम् ॥ | When there is conflict with relatives, there is no happiness or wealth for people.
211156 | दातारं विस्मरन् पापी किं पुनर्धर्मदेशिनम् ॥ | A sinner forgets the giver, what to speak of a righteous person?
14.39 | अपवादो हि सोत रक्तेन न मनोव्यथा ॥ | Slander is like blood flowing, it does not cause mental anguish.
14.40 | पापकूपे निमग्नेभ्यो धर्महस्तावलम्बनम् । तमःपतनकाले हि प्रभवत्यपि भास्वतः ॥ | For those who are submerged in the well of sin, holding onto the hand of Dharma is like the sun shining in the time of darkness.
211155 | ददता कःसमो लोके संसारोत्तारिणा नृणाम्॥ | Who is equal to a giver in the world, who is a savior of the world?
14.65 | पापोपशमनोपायाः सन्त्येव सति जीविते ॥ | There are ways to alleviate sin, as long as there is life.
22146 | स्त्रीणां प्रणयकोपस्य प्रणामो हि निवर्तकः ।। | Bowing down is a remedy for the anger of women's love.
14.66 | अत्यभ्यर्णविपत्तीनां मन्त्रिणो हि निवर्तकाः॥ | Ministers are the remedy for great calamities.
27.35 | कुतो लुब्धस्य सत्यता॥ | Where is the truth of a greedy person?
14.83 | षट्कर्णो भिद्यते मन्त्रो रक्षणीयः स यत्नतः ॥ | The six-eared mantra is broken, it must be protected with care.
35.62 | न मुह्यति प्राप्तकृती कृती हि ।। | One who has achieved his goal does not get confused, for he has achieved his goal.
14.91 | तप्तं तप्तेन योज्यते ॥ | The heated should be joined with the heated.
35.58 | न राज्यलाभोऽभिमतोऽनंपत्यः ॥ | The gain of a kingdom is not desired by a wise man.
36.20 | रहसि दुर्लभमाप्य मनीषितं, न हि विमुञ्चति लब्धरसो जनः ॥ | Even if something desired is difficult to obtain in secret, a person who has tasted its pleasure does not let go of it.
15.4 | स्फुटवदनविकाराल्लक्षितं चित्तदुःखम् ॥ | The pain of the heart is marked by a change in the face.
3713 | क्व पात्रभेदोऽस्ति धनप्रवर्षिणाम् ॥ | Where is the difference in vessels for those who shower wealth?
15.5 | न सुलभं सुमुखे किमु भर्तरि ॥ | A beautiful face is not easily found, what to speak of a husband?
42.31 | बहुरत्ना वसुन्धरा॥ | The earth is full of jewels.
15.43 | परिचितः प्रणयः खलु दुस्त्यजः ॥ | Familiar love is indeed difficult to abandon.
17.15 | अहो प्रमदहेतवोऽपि सुखयन्ति नो दुःखितान् ॥ | Oh, even the causes of our joy bring us happiness when we are in sorrow.
421102 | कामग्रहगृहीतस्य का मर्यादा क्रमोऽपि कः ॥ | What is the limit, what is the order, for one who is caught in the grip of desire?
17.16 | तावद्भार्यादयो यावन्मर्यादा संस्थितः प्रभुः ॥ | As long as the lord is established in his limits, so are his wife and others.
43.68 | दैवमेव परं लोके धिक् पौरुषमकारणम् ॥ | Fate is supreme in the world, alas for pointless heroism.
17.151 | पातकात्पतनं ध्रुवम् ॥ | Falling from sin is certain.
| सद्भूतस्यापि दोषस्य परकीयस्य भाषणम् । | Speaking of the faults of even a virtuous person is the speech of another.