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The 56th chapter, in the style of the *Sārdūlavikrīḍita*,
In the renowned pilgrimage site of Nemijina, where the delusion-destroying *kevala* knowledge arose, the noble *muni* named Varadatta, endowed with the eye of liberation, was born.
He, the valiant son of Jaratkumāra, the upholder of the lineage of the Harivaṃśa, bore the burden of the kingdom, protecting the prosperity of the earth, like a strong mountain. || 59 ||
Thus ends the 65th chapter of the *Harivaṃśa*, composed by Jinaseṇācārya, a part of the *Ariṣṭanemi Purāṇa*, which narrates the *nirvāṇa* of the Lord Neminātha. || 65 ||
May the delusion arising from excessive affection for hindering beings be condemned! || 58 ||