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In the Harivamsha Purana, there are twenty-four future Tirthankaras, starting with Samadhigupta, followed by Swayambhu, Anivartaka, Jaya, Vimala, Divyapada, and Anantavirya. All of them possess virtues like strength, courage, etc. ||561-562||
The twelve future Chakravartis are: Bharata, Dirghadanta, Janmadanta, Gudhadatta, Srishena, Sribhuta, Srikanta, Padmanamaka, Mahapadma, Chitravahana, Vimala Vahana (free from the contact of impurities), and Arishtasena. ||563-565||
The nine future Narayanas are: Nandi, Nandimitra, Nandina, Nandibhutika, Mahabala, Atibala, Balabhadra, Dviprishta, and Triprishta. They will be radiant like collyrium and their radiance will fill the space between the directions. ||566-567||
The nine future Balabhadra are: Chandra, Mahachandra, Chandradhara, Singhchandra, Harichandra, Srichandra, Purnchandra, Suchandra, and Balachandra. All of them will be radiant like the moon. ||568||
The nine future Pratinarayana are: Srikantha, Harikantha, Neelakantha, Ashvakantha, Sukantha, Shikhikantha, Ashvagriva, Hayagriva, and Mayuragriva. ||569-570||
The eleven future Rudras are: Pramada, Sammada, Harsha, Prakama, Kamada, Bhava, Hara, Manobhava, Mara, Kama, and Angaja. They will be glorious and attain liberation in a few births. Their bodies will be purified by the three jewels and they will be the best of men. ||571-572||
Even a single jewel of right faith, obtained for a moment, is the cause of liberation. What to speak of the three jewels, which are the most sacred in the world and directly destroy the delusion of existence? ||573||
1. Divyavada M. | 2. Pavitratamasya M.