Disclaimer: This translation does not guarantee complete accuracy, please confirm with the original page text.
In the Harivamsha Purana:
* **Verse 437:** In the assembly of Kunthunatha, there were sixty thousand and three hundred fifty. Again, sixty thousand in the assembly of Jinendra.
* **Verse 438:** In the assembly of Mallinatha, there were fifty-five thousand. In the assembly of Munisuvrata, there were fifty thousand.
* **Verse 439:** In the assembly of Naminatha, there were forty-five thousand. In the assembly of Neminatha, there were forty thousand.
* **Verse 440:** In the assembly of Parshvanatha, there were thirty-eight thousand. In the assembly of Mahavira, there were thirty-five thousand.
* **Verse 441:** There were three lakhs of Shravakas for each of the first eight Tirthankaras. Then, there were two lakhs for each of the next eight Tirthankaras. And then, there was one lakh for each of the remaining eight Tirthankaras.
* **Verse 442:** There were five lakhs of Shravikas for each of the first eight Tirthankaras. Then, there were four lakhs for each of the next eight Tirthankaras. And then, there were three lakhs for each of the remaining eight Tirthankaras.
* **Verse 443:** There were sixty thousand nine hundred Siddhas in the assembly of Rishabhanatha. There were seventy-seven thousand one hundred Siddhas in the assembly of Ajitanatha.
* **Verse 444:** There were one lakh seventy thousand one hundred disciples in the assembly of Sambhavanatha. There were two lakh eighty thousand one hundred disciples in the assembly of Abhinandanatha.
* **Verse 445:** There were three lakh one thousand six hundred disciples in the assembly of Sumatinatha. There were three lakh thirteen thousand six hundred disciples in the assembly of Padmaprbha.
* **Verse 446:** There were two lakh forty thousand disciples in the assembly of Chandraprbha. There were one lakh ninety thousand six hundred disciples in the assembly of Suvidhinatha.
* **Verse 447:** There were eighty thousand six hundred disciples in the assembly of Shitalnatha. There were sixty-five thousand six hundred disciples in the assembly of Shreyansnatha.
* **Verse 448:** There were fifty-four thousand six hundred disciples in the assembly of Vasupujya. There were fifty-one thousand three hundred disciples in the assembly of Vimalanatha.
* **Verse 449:** There were fifty-one thousand disciples in the assembly of Anantanatha. There were forty-nine thousand seven hundred disciples in the assembly of Dharmanatha.
* **Verse 450:** There were forty-eight thousand four hundred disciples in the assembly of Shantinatha. There were forty-six thousand eight hundred disciples in the assembly of Kunthunatha.
* **Verse 451:** There were thirty-seven thousand two hundred disciples in the assembly of Aranatha.
**Note:** The text mentions the number of Aryikas (female ascetics) in the assembly of each Tirthankara. However, the specific numbers are not provided in the excerpt.
कुन्धोः षष्टिसहस्राणि पञ्चाशच शतत्रयम् । पुनः षष्टिसहस्राणि जिनस्यारस्य संसदि ॥४३७॥ मलेस्तु पञ्चपञ्चाशत्सहस्राणि समान्तरे । सहस्राण्येव पञ्चाशन्मुनिसुव्रतसंसदि ॥ ४३८ ॥ चत्वारिंशत्सहस्राणि नमेः पञ्चोत्तराणि ताः । चत्वारिंशत्सहस्राणि नेमेः सदसि ताः स्मृताः ॥ ४३९ ॥ अष्टात्रिं सहस्राणि त्रयोविंशस्य संसदि । पञ्चत्रिंशत्सहस्राणि चतुर्विंशस्य संमताः ॥ ४४० ॥ तिस्रोऽष्टानां पृथग्लक्षा जिनानां श्रावकाः स्मृताः । द्वे लक्षे च ततोऽष्टानां लक्षाष्टानां मता ततः ॥ ४४१॥ पञ्चलक्षास्तथाष्टानां संसदि श्राविकाः स्मृताः । चतस्रस्तास्ततोऽष्टानां तिस्रोऽष्टानां जिनेशिनाम् ॥४४२॥ सिद्धाः षष्टिसहस्राणि नवशत्या वृषस्य ते । सप्तसप्ततिरन्यस्य सहस्राणि शतान्विताः ॥ ४४३ ॥ शिष्या लक्षा तृतीयस्य सहस्राणि च सप्ततिः । शतं चातः शतं लक्षे सहाशीतिसहस्रकैः ॥ ४४४ || तिस्रो लक्षाः सहस्रं च षट्शतानि ततस्ततः । त्रयोदशसहस्राणि तिस्रो लक्षाश्च षट्शती || ४४५ ॥ पञ्चाशीतिसहस्राणि द्वे लक्षे षट्शती ततः । चतुस्त्रिंशत्सहस्राणि द्वे लक्षे च ततः परम् ||४४६ ॥ लक्षैकेन विनाशीतिः सहस्राण्यपि षट्शती । ततोऽशीतिसहस्राणि षट्शतानि च निर्वृताः || ४४७।। पञ्चषष्टिसहस्राणि श्रेयसः षट्शती यथा । चतुःपञ्चाशदेव स्यात्सहस्राण्यपि षट्शती ||४४८ ॥ सहस्राण्येक पञ्चाशत् त्रिशती विमलस्य तु । अनन्तस्यापि तावन्ति सहस्राण्येव केवलम् ||४४९।।। धर्मस्यैकान्नपञ्चाशत् सहस्री सप्तशत्यपि । चत्वारिंशत्ततोऽष्टौ च सहस्राणि चतुःशती || ४५० चत्वारिंशत्सहस्राणि षट् चाष्टौ च शतान्यतः । सप्तत्रिंशत्सहस्राणि द्विशत्यरजिनस्य तु ।।४५१ ।। के समवसरण में एक लाख तीन हजार, अनन्तनाथके समवसरण में एक लाख आठ हजार, धर्मनाथके समवसरण में बासठ हजार चार सौ शान्तिनाथ के समवसरण में साठ हजार तीन सौ, कुन्थुनाथके समवसरण में साठ हजार तीन सौ पचास अरनाथके समवरण में साठ हजार, मल्लिनाथ के समवसरण में पचपन हजार, मुनिसुव्रतनाथके समवसरण में पचास हजार, नमिनाथके समवसरण में पैंतालीस हजार, नेमिनाथके समवसरण में चालीस हजार, पार्श्वनाथके समवसरण में अड़तीस हजार और चोबीसवें महावीर भगवान् के समवसरण में पैंतीस हजार आर्यिकाएँ मानी गयी हैं ।।४३२- ४४०॥
प्रारम्भसे लेकर आठ तीर्थंकरोंके समवसरण में प्रत्येकके तीन-तीन लाख, फिर आठ तीर्थकरों के प्रत्येकके दो-दो लाख और तदनन्तर शेष आठ तीर्थंकरोंके प्रत्येकके एक-एक लाख श्रावक थे ।। ४४१ ।।
इसी प्रकार प्रारम्भके आठ तीर्थंकरोंके समवसरण में प्रत्येककी पाँच-पाँच लाख, फिर आठ तीर्थंकरों की प्रत्येककी चार-चार लाख और तदनन्तर शेष आठ तीर्थंकरोंको प्रत्येककी तीन-तीन लाख श्राविकाएँ थीं ॥४४२॥
भगवान् वृषभनाथके मोक्ष जानेवाले शिष्योंकी संख्या साठ हजार नो सौ, अजितनाथ के सत्तर हजार एक सौ, सम्भवनाथ के एक लाख सत्तर हजार एक सौ, अभिनन्दननाथके दो लाख अस्सी हजार एक सौ, सुमतिनाथके तीन लाख एक हजार छह सो, पद्मप्रभके तीन लाख तेरह हजार छह सौ चन्द्रप्रभके दो लाख चौंतीस हजार, सुविधिनाथके एक लाख उन्यासी हजार छह सौ शीतलनाथके अस्सी हजार छह सो, श्रेयांसनाथ के पैंसठ हजार छह सो, वासुपूज्यके चौवन हजार छह सौ विमलनाथके इक्यावन हजार तीन सो, अनन्तनाथके इक्यावन हजार, धर्मनाथ के उनचास हजार सात सौ शान्तिनाथके अड़तालीस हजार चार सो, कुन्थुनाथके छया
१. शिक्षा म ।
* तिलोयपण्णत्तमें पद्मप्रभ जिनेन्द्र के मुक्त होनेवाले शिष्योंकी संख्या तीन लाख चौदह हजार बतलायी है । 'चोद्दस सहस्स सहिदा पउमप्पह जिणवरस्स तियलक्खा' । १२२० ।। अ च ।
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