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## The Sixtieth Chapter
Mallinath attained liberation with 500 munis, Shanti Nath with 900, Dharmanath with 801, Vasupujya with 601, Vimala Nath with 6000, Anantnath with 7000, Supaashva Nath with 500, Padma Prabh with 3800, and Vrishabhanath with 10,000. The remaining Tirthankaras attained liberation with 1000 munis each. || 283 - 285 ||
Bharat, Sagar, Mahaveer, Sanatkumar, Shanti Nath, Kunth Nath, Aranath, Subhoom, Mahapadma, Harishen, Jay, and Brahmadatt were the twelve Chakravartis who ruled over six continents. || 286 - 287 ||
Triprishth, Dwiprishth, Swayambhu, Purushottam, Purush Singh, Purush Pundarik, (Pundarik) Datt, Narayan (Lakshman), and Krishna are the nine Vasudevas. They are the rulers of three continents and their valor is never broken by others. || 288 - 289 ||
Vijay, Achal, Sudham, Suprabh, Sudarshan, Nandi, Nandimitra, Ram, and Padma are the nine Balabhadra. || 290 ||
Ashvagriva, famous in the world, Tarak, Meruk, Nishumbh, Madhukaitabh with a face like a blooming lotus, Bali, Praharan, Ravana of the celestial lineage, and Jarasandh, the earth-dweller, are the nine Pratinarayan. || 291 - 292 ||
Balabhadra are upward-going - towards heaven or liberation - and do not bind any nidana in the future life. Narayan are downward-going and bind nidana in the future life. || 293 ||
Chakravarti Bharat was during the time of Vrishabhanath, Chakravarti Sagar was during the time of Ajitnath, Mahaveer and Sanatkumar were during the time between Dharmanath and Shanti Nath. Shanti, Kunth, and Aranath Chakravartis had their own separate time periods. Subhoom Chakravarti was during the time between Aranath and Mallinath. Mahapadma was during the time between Mallinath and Munisuvratnath. Harishen was during the time between Munisuvratnath and