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## The 59th Chapter: The Viharavana of the Bhagavan
The Tirthankara, having traversed the earth with such great power, arrived at the Urjayanta mountain and adorned it with his Samavasarana. ||125||
Indra and the other gods, Krishna and the Yadavas, and the citizens of Dwaraka, all served the Jina, who shone brightly on the Urjayanta mountain. ||126||
Eleven Ganadharas, led by Varadatta, shone brightly there, their minds immersed in the ocean of knowledge. ||127||
In the Tirthankara's Samavasarana, there were four hundred venerable Purvadharis, one thousand eight hundred teachers, fifteen hundred Avadhijnani, fifteen hundred Kevalajnani, nine hundred Vipulamati, eight hundred Vadi, and eleven hundred Vikriya. ||128-130||
Forty thousand Aryikas, accompanied by Rajimati, one hundred seventy-nine thousand Shravakas, and three hundred thirty-six thousand Shravikas, pure in their Samyagdarshan and observing the Shravaka vows, were present there. ||131-132||
Like a cloud, the Tirthankara, showering the thirsty Bhavyas with the divine nectar of Dharma, quenched their thirst with his divine sound. ||133||
Thus, with the rise of the sun, the Jina, the possessor of infinite auspiciousness, stood on the Urjayanta mountain, a rare peak, and the lotus of wisdom, born in the lake of the world, blossomed, holding the lotus of folded hands. ||134||
Thus ends the 59th chapter of the Harivansha Purana, composed by Jinasena Acharya, which describes the Viharavana of the Bhagavan, a collection of the Arishta-Nemipuraana. ||59||