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## Chapter Eighty-Five
**673.** Five observances of the vow of non-violence are: **self-speech control**, **self-mind control**, **eating after seeing the food** (alokitpaan bhojan), **iryasamiti**, and **adananiksepan samiti**. ||118||
**674.** Five observances of the vow of truth are: **abandoning anger, greed, fear, and laughter**, and **speaking truthfully** (anuveechibhasan). ||119||
**675.** Five observances of the vow of non-stealing are: **dwelling in an empty house**, **dwelling in a liberated house**, **not obstructing others**, **purity of alms**, and **agreement with the righteous**. ||120||
**676.** Five observances of the vow of celibacy are: **abandoning listening to stories that arouse desire for women**, **abandoning looking at their beautiful limbs**, **abandoning adornment of the body**, **abandoning strong flavors**, and **abandoning the remembrance of past sensual pleasures**. ||121||
**677.** Five observances of the vow of non-attachment are: **abandoning attachment and aversion to pleasant and unpleasant objects of the senses**. ||122||
**678.** Wise people should contemplate that **violence and other sins lead to various kinds of suffering and bondage in this world and the next**. ||123||
**679.** Or, wise people should constantly contemplate that **violence and other sins are nothing but suffering**. Although they are the cause of suffering, they are not suffering themselves, but this contemplation should be done with the understanding that cause and effect are not separate. ||124||
**680.** **Friendship, joy, compassion, and impartiality** should be cultivated towards all beings, those with superior qualities, those who are suffering, and those who are misguided, respectively. **Friendship** is the thought that no being should suffer. **Joy** is the feeling of happiness when seeing those with superior qualities. **Compassion** is the feeling of empathy for those who are suffering. **Impartiality** is the feeling of neutrality towards those who are misguided. ||125||
**681.** Those who are afraid of the cycle of birth and death should constantly contemplate the nature of the world and the body to generate **inner awakening and detachment**. ||126||
**682.** In this world, beings have received ten vital breaths, including the senses. **To carelessly harm them is to harm oneself**. ||127||