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In the Harivamsha Purana, it is said that "The cause of the hellish lifespan is having many beginnings and many possessions. Maya and the Tiryancha yoni are the causes of the lifespan of the Tiryancha yoni." (10) "The cause of the human lifespan is having few beginnings and few possessions. Being content, being in the state of avrata, and being naturally gentle are also causes of the human lifespan." (109) "Right faith, being a vrati, the practice of balatapas, and being free from desires are the causes of the lifespan of the gods." (110) "The crookedness of one's own yogas and discord with others are the causes of the ashubha karma, and the straightness of one's own yogas and the absence of discord are the causes of the shubha karma." (111) "The special type of karma that is the nature of a Tirthankara has sixteen causes, which are the attainment of perfect knowledge, purity of conduct, etc., and are extremely pure." (112) "Hiding the good qualities of others, praising oneself, and speaking of one's own nonexistent qualities are the causes of the nicha gotra karma." (113) "Being humble in one's conduct and not being arrogant are the causes of the uttama gotra karma, and creating obstacles is the cause of the antaraya karma." (114) "The shubha asrava of punya karma has been described in general terms above. Now, this is being explained for the sake of understanding its specific nature." (115) "Refraining from violence, falsehood, stealing, sexual misconduct, and possessions is the vrata. That vrata is of two types: anuvrata and mahavrata. Refraining from those five sins in some places is anuvrata, and refraining from them in all places is mahavrata." (116) "There are five thoughts for each of the five vratas, which are said to keep those who are engaged in mahavratas and anuvratas steady in their vratas." (117)
1. Having many beginnings and many possessions is the cause of the hellish lifespan. (15)
2. Maya is the cause of the lifespan of the Tiryancha yoni. (16)
3. Having few beginnings and few possessions is the cause of the human lifespan. (17)
4. Being gentle and peaceful is the cause of the lifespan of all beings. (19)
5. Being naturally gentle is also a cause. (18)
6. Right faith is also a cause. (21)
7. Attachment, laziness, lack of control, uncontrolled desires, being free from desires, and the practice of balatapas are the causes of the lifespan of the gods. (20)
8. The crookedness of one's own yogas and discord with others are the causes of the ashubha karma. (22)
9. The opposite of that is the cause of the shubha karma. (23)
10. The attainment of perfect knowledge, purity of conduct, being well-behaved, not being excessive in one's conduct, constant use of knowledge, enthusiasm, strength, abandonment of pride, good conduct, meditation, not being worthy of being a teacher, the teachings of a learned person, devotion, the necessary abandonment of attachment, the practice of the path, the practice of teachings, and love for teachings are the causes of being a Tirthankara. (24)
11. Criticizing others, praising oneself, hiding good qualities, and creating bad qualities are the causes of the nicha gotra karma. (25)
12. The opposite of that, being humble in one's conduct, and not being arrogant are the causes of the uttama gotra karma. (26)
13. Creating obstacles is the cause of the antaraya karma. (27)
14. The vrata of refraining from violence, falsehood, stealing, sexual misconduct, and possessions. (1)
15. It is anuvrata in some places and mahavrata in all places. (2)
16. There are five thoughts for each of the five vratas, which are said to keep those who are engaged in mahavratas and anuvratas steady in their vratas. (3)