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## Chapter Forty-Eight
"Due to the difference in the intensity of the results of the embodied beings, the Asrava is also of three types: mild, moderate, and intense, depending on the cause." || 83 ||
"There are two types of Asrava: Jiva-adhikaran (related to the soul) and Ajiva-adhikaran (related to non-soul). The Jiva-adhikaran Asrava has three main categories: 1. Sanrambh, 2. Samarabh, and 3. Aarambh." || 84 ||
"Each of these three categories has three sub-categories: Krit (done by oneself), Karit (caused by others), and Anumodana (approval). These are further divided into three types of Yoga: Manoyoga (mental), Vachanayoga (verbal), and Kayayoga (physical). Finally, each of these is further divided into four types of Kashaya: Krodha (anger), Mana (pride), Maya (deceit), and Lobha (greed). Thus, there are 36 types of Asrava for each of the three categories, totaling 108 types." || 85 ||
"The Ajiva-adhikaran Asrava has four categories: 1. Nirvartana (removal), 2. Nikshepa (deposit), 3. Samyoga (combination), and 4. Nisarga (nature). Nirvartana has two types: Mulaguna (root quality) and Uttaraguna (secondary quality). Nikshepa has four types: Sahasa (sudden), Duspramshta (unclean), Anabhoga (unused), and Apratyavekshit (unobserved). Samyoga has two types, and Nisarga has three types." || 86 ||
"Mulaguna Nirvartana is the creation of the body, speech, mind, and breath. Uttaraguna Nirvartana is the creation of images, etc., from wood, stone, clay, etc." || 87 ||
"Sahasa Nikshepa is the sudden deposit of an object. Duspramshta Nikshepa is the deposit of an object in a place that has been cleaned with difficulty. Anabhoga Nikshepa is the deposit of an object that is not used. Apratyavekshit Nikshepa is the deposit of an object that is not observed." || 88 ||
1. "The intensity of the Asrava is determined by the intensity of the Jiva's knowledge, ignorance, and the power of the object." || T.S.A. 6 ||
2. "The object of the Asrava is either the Jiva or the Ajiva." || T.S.A. 6 ||
3. "The first category of Asrava is Sanrambh, Samarabh, and Aarambh, which are further divided into three types of Krit, Karit, and Anumodana, and then into three types of Yoga, and finally into four types of Kashaya." || T.S.A. 6 ||
4. "The second category of Asrava is Nirvartana, Nikshepa, Samyoga, and Nisarga, which are divided into two, four, two, and three types respectively." || T.S.A. 6 ||
5. "The Asrava is currently known to us." || M. ||