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## The Eighth Chapter:
The soul is not the size of a mustard seed, nor the size of an atom, nor the size of a finger joint, nor five hundred yojanas in size. [32]
If the soul is considered to be as small as a mustard seed, a finger joint, or an atom, then it would reside in each part of the body, not in the whole body. In such a situation, the sense of touch would not be able to function where the soul is not present. Just as the senses of sight, etc., function only in specific parts of the body, the sense of touch would also function only where the soul is present, not everywhere. [33]
Similarly, if the size of the soul is considered to be larger than the body, then it would extend to many yojanas beyond the body, where there is only the soul and no body. In such a situation, the sense of touch would be able to perceive objects at a distance of many yojanas, just as the sense of sight can perceive objects at a distance of many yojanas. This would contradict both direct perception and inference. Therefore, the soul should be considered to be the size of the body. This is also the experience of everyone. [34-35]
The soul is sought after through the fourteen **marganas** (paths): motion, senses, six bodies, yoga, knowledge, passions, knowledge, restraint, right faith, subtle bodies, vision, consciousness, auspiciousness, and nourishment. It is described through the fourteen **gunasthanas** (stages of qualities): false belief, etc. [36-37]
The **sanskari** (worldly) soul should be understood through **pramana** (proof), **naya** (principle), **nikshepa** (deposit), **sat** (being), **sankhya** (number), and **nirdesha** (indication), etc. The liberated soul should be understood through its infinite qualities of knowledge, etc. [38]
There are many aspects of a substance. The knowledge that grasps one specific aspect of a substance is called **naya**. There are two types of **naya**: **dravyaarthika** (substance-based) and **paryayaarthika** (category-based). Of these, **dravyaarthika naya** is true, and **paryayaarthika naya** is untrue. [39]
**Dravyaarthika** and **paryayaarthika** are the two fundamental **nayas**, and they are considered to be interdependent. **Naigama**, **sangraha**, etc., are different types of **nayas** that are derived from these two fundamental **nayas**. [40]
**Naigama**, **sangraha**, **vyavahara**, **rjusutr**, **shabda**, **samabhirudha**, and **evambhuta** are the types of **nayas**. [41]