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## Chapter Fifty-Seven
The city's construction is adorned with twenty-six types of gold and jewels, making it exceptionally beautiful. **125**
There are three *jagatis* (levels) at its base, each half a *krosa* (league) wide. The width decreases progressively with each higher *jagati*. **126**
These *jagatis* are constructed of diamond and adorned with various precious stones, their brilliance spreading like rainbows in all directions. **127**
The *jagatis* are adorned with pillars, each as tall as a man's chest, radiating a brilliant light. Between these pillars, beautiful flags are placed at the distance of a bow. **128**
Each *jagati* has thirty-foot-tall *kutas* (towers) and twice as wide *kosthakas* (compartments) placed at intervals of ten bows. **129**
Near each *jagati*, on both sides, are two dwellings for the gatekeepers, where the wealth of Kubera shines brightly at each gate. **130**
Each *jagati* has seven hundred and seventy-two *kutas* and forty-eight *kosthakas*. **131**
In total, the three *jagatis* have twenty-two hundred and twenty *kutas* and the same number of *kosthakas*. **132**
The first *jagati* has thirty-two thousand three hundred and eighty-one flags, the second has twenty-four thousand two hundred and nineteen, and the third has thirty-one thousand fifty-six. **133**
The *kutas* at the front have two hundred and thirty-two thousand four hundred and seventy flags, those in the middle have seven hundred and sixty-one thousand one hundred, and those at the back have two hundred and fifty-four thousand eight hundred and eighty. The number of *kosthakas* is double this. **134-135**
Thus, the total number of flags is twenty-six million twenty thousand two hundred and fifty-six. **136**
In the areas where sweat-inducing water flows, there are many pavilions adorned with jewels, two *krosas* wide and one *krosa* high. **137**
In the middle of the peaks, which are half the width of the pavilions, reside the Jina-devas, radiating auspicious light. **138**