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## Chapter Sixty-Four:
The power of the soul, in the destruction of the remaining karmas, in the digestion of the karmas, in the punishment, in the gate, and in the filling of the world, is the same. ||7||
Having performed the four times, and having gone out of its own region, it gathers itself together in the same state as the karma that has been done. ||75||
Having become the measure of the former body, it completes this. First, it is the white meditation, and then the second, the supreme. ||7||
The yoga of the pulsation of the region of the soul, and the karma of the vital force, etc., are said to be cut off, and this is called the cut-off action. ||77||
The restraint of all the arrows of bondage is there, with effort. The conduct of the non-yoga, as it is said, is the means of liberation. ||78||
The non-yoga-kevali soul, having destroyed all karma, shines with the power of consciousness, which has arisen like gold from the womb. ||79||
It becomes a Siddha, by its own nature, going upwards, because of the cause of the former practice, non-attachment, and the cutting off of bondage. ||80||
Like the flame of fire, like the wheel of the potter, like the water that has lost its sediment, like the castor seed, it goes upwards, in one moment, to the end of the upper world. ||81||
Because of the absence of the body of the Dharma-astika, the Siddha soul does not go beyond the end of the world. It remains in that place, enjoying infinite happiness. ||82||
Liberation is the greatest benefit for beings in the four classes. It is said to be obtained by the right meditation, which is characterized by the destruction of one's own karma. ||83||
The absence of the nature of karma is liberation, which brings infinite happiness. It is of two kinds for the embodied soul, because it is attainable by effort and without effort. ||84||
The absence of the other lives, except the life of the last body, is the absence without effort, because their existence does not come from before, and there is no new bondage for the last body. Now, it is said how the absence of the nature of the karmas, which is attainable by effort, takes place. ||85||
It is said that from the place of the qualities, the un-restrained right faith, beginning with the first place of the qualities, and ending with the seventh place of the qualities, the un-restrained right faith, a human being may be in any one of these places. ||86||