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## Chapter 55: The Five Evils
**Verse 10:**
On the battlefield, valiant warriors, adorned with the glory of victory, mounted on elephants, horses, and chariots, fearlessly strike only those who stand before them, never the innocent.
**Verse 9:**
Those who, filled with rage, drive away the fierce Sharabha, lion, and wild elephant herds, but strike down the deer and hare, these small creatures, why do they not feel shame?
**Verse 92:**
Ah! Those warriors who wear shoes to avoid the pain of thorns on their feet, yet in the hunt, strike down gentle deer with hundreds of sharp weapons, this is truly astonishing.
**Verse 93:**
The killing of deer herds, this despicable act, initially yields the fruit of worldly pleasures. But when its taste begins to manifest, it leads to the suffering of the six senses, one after another. The meaning is that a violent being is born among the six-sensed beings and is killed there by various beings.
**Verse 94:**
This human, desiring a vast kingdom, engages in the killing of all beings. This is contradictory, for the fruit of killing is surely the bondage of sin, leading to bitter consequences, not the sweet fruits of a kingdom.
**Verse 95:**
Bound by the four types of bondage: nature, region, state, and experience, this group of beings wanders through the realms of misery, experiencing various kinds of suffering.
**Verse 96:**
In every birth, this being is influenced by worldly pleasures, tainted with fear and sorrow, and even in this human birth, so deeply deluded, it does not strive to end worldly suffering.
**Verse 97:**
Just as hundreds of rivers do not bring satisfaction to the ocean, so too, worldly pleasures, born from external objects, bound by lineage, and immensely heavy, do not bring satisfaction to the being.
* **Sharabha:** A mythical creature, often depicted as a lion with wings.
* **Six Senses:** The six senses in Jainism are sight, smell, taste, touch, hearing, and mind.
* **Bondage:** In Jainism, bondage refers to the cycle of birth and death, caused by karma.
* **Nature:** Refers to the inherent nature of a being, which determines its karma.
* **Region:** Refers to the realm of existence in which a being is born.
* **State:** Refers to the mental and physical condition of a being.
* **Experience:** Refers to the actions and experiences of a being, which create karma.