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Chapter Forty-Five: Where is the land of Jambudvipa, adorned with the salt ocean and Jambu trees, and where is the extremely inaccessible land of Dhataki-khand? Even though they are so different, the work is accomplished through travel due to the influence of the previously established Jain Dharma. ||75||
Thus, in the Harivansha Purana, composed by Jinasena Acharya, which is a collection of the Arishtanemi Purana, the abduction of Draupadi, her return, and the establishment of South Mathura are described.
This is the forty-fourth chapter. ||54||
Gautama Swami says, "Look, where is the land of Jambudvipa, adorned with the salt ocean and Jambu trees, and where is the extremely inaccessible land of Dhataki-khand? Even though they are so different, the work is accomplished through travel due to the influence of the previously established Jain Dharma." ||75||
Thus, in the Harivansha Purana, composed by Jinasena Acharya, which is a collection of the Arishtanemi Purana, the abduction of Draupadi, her return, and the establishment of South Mathura are described.
This is the forty-fourth chapter. ||54||