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ISBN 81-263-0847 - 8
BHARATIYA JNANPITH (Founded on Phalguna Krishna 9; Vira N. Sam. 2470; Vikrama Sam. 2000; 18th Feb. 1944)
Sahu Shanti Prasad Jain In memory of his illustrious mother Smt. Moortidevi
and promoted by his benevolent wife
Smt. Rama Jain
In this Granthamala critically edited Jain agamic, philosophical, puranic, literary, historical and other original texts in Prakrit,
Sanskrit, Apabhramsha, Hindi, Kannada, Tamil etc. are being published in the original form with their
translations in modern languages.
Catalogues of Jain bhandaras, inscriptions, studies on art and architecture by
competent scholars and popular Jain literature are also being published.
General Editors (First Edition) Dr. Hiralal Jain and Dr. A. N. Upadhye
Published by
Bharatiya Jnanpith 18, Institutional Area, Lodi Road, New Delhi-110003
Printed at : B.K. Offset, Delhi-110 032
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