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Harivamsha Purana
Vardhamana, served by the gods, grew as he did, so did the love of his father, relatives, and the three worlds. || 46 || The hero, adorned with the garlands of crowns of gods, demons, and kings, was thirty years old. || 47 || His pure character, his mind did not dwell in pleasures for long, like a pearl in the crooked holes of a lion's claws. || 48 || With a peaceful mind, the self-enlightened one was awakened by the chief Lokantik gods, bowing to Saraswati-Aditya. || 49 || Having been awakened and renounced, he was anointed and worshipped by the gods, led by Saudharma. || 50 || Riding on a divine palanquin carried by the gods, he went to the forest on the tenth day of the dark fortnight of Margashirsha, when the moon was in Uttara Phalguni. || 51 || Removing all his clothes, garlands, and ornaments, the muni plucked out his hair with his five fingers. || 52 || Indra, taking the mass of the Jina's hair, black as a swarm of bees, placed it in a vessel of milk and water. || 53 || The ocean of milk, stained by the Jina's hair, thrown in by Indra, shone as if it were stained by a mass of Indranila gems. || 54 || Seeing the Jina's renunciation, all the gods and men were pleased, and performed the third auspicious ceremony as it should be. || 55 || Possessing the four great eyes of knowledge, namely, mati, shruti, avadhi, and manahparyaya, he performed twelve types of austerities for twelve years. || 56 || Then, the lord, adorned with the group of qualities, wandered, reaching the village of Jrimbhik, near the bank of the river Rijukula. || 57 || There, on the tenth day of the bright fortnight of Vaisakha, he took refuge in the shade of a sala tree, near a rock. || 58 ||
They had gone. || 45 ||