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## Chapter Thirty-Six
**Mālini Chanda**
Then, on the arrow-seat (Bāṇāsana) adorned with a buzzing bee-like chariot, resting on a bed of swans and the sound of their cries, in the autumn season, which destroys the pride and wings of the enemy peacocks, and is adorned with the playful activities of the new Lakshmi of Hari, it appeared as if...
**1.** The moon, having dispelled the clouds, shone brightly, as if it were the giver of wealth. The earth, with its abundant grass, was free of mud, as if it were anticipating the laughter of Krishna, which would soon be revealed due to the imminent destruction of the powerful Kamsa.
**2.** The clear rivers, with their abundant foam, were like the white lotuses in the natural lakes filled with water. The mountains, with their white flowers in their forests, seemed to be adorned with the white glory of Hari.
**3.** The fertile earth, adorned with the abundant rice crop, was like a beautiful woman, burdened by the weight of her breasts, and eager for the embrace of the new king, Krishna.
**4.** The loud cries of the cows and bulls, excited by the burden of their offspring and the joy of the season of conception, seemed to be nourishing the heart of Vishnu, as if they were announcing the destruction of his enemies.
**5.** Kamsa, though aware of Krishna's intentions, still sent his entire group of cowherds to the Yamuna river to fetch lotuses, hoping to find a way to destroy him. He sent them to the difficult-to-reach, muddy banks of the Yamuna, hoping to find a way to harm Krishna.