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In the Harivamsha Purana, he then strung the bow, scattering the smoke exhaled by the serpents. He filled the conch, effortlessly and without hesitation, with sounds that filled all directions. ||77|| Seeing Krishna's extraordinary and transcendental greatness, all the people exclaimed, "Oh, what a great man this is, whose voice is like the roar of a churning sea!" ||78|| Seeing Krishna's prowess, Balarama, his elder brother, was filled with fear of the wicked Kamsa. Therefore, he sent Krishna, the great devotee, to Vrindavan, along with his close companions, who were deeply attached to his virtues. ||79||
Meaning: Balarama, fearing Kamsa, did not let Krishna go alone, but said, "He is very virtuous, so all of you go and send him." He sent many of his own people along with him. ||79||
Gautama Swami says, what can a proud enemy do to a man who has attained excellence through the Jain Dharma, obtained in a previous birth? Even if he harbors hatred in his heart from before conception and birth. ||80||
Thus ends the thirty-fifth chapter of the Harivamsha Purana, composed by Jinasena Acharya, which is part of the Arishta-nemi Purana collection, and describes the childhood games of Krishna. ||35||