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Translation with Jain terms preserved:
In the Harivamsha Purana
Kansa, the cruel one, entered the birthing chamber after learning of his sister's delivery. Seeing the innocent child, the husband of the deceased (Devaki) once thought that this child might be his enemy. 31 Troubled by doubt, he became free from anger and the far-sighted one himself took the child and flattened her nose with his hand. 32 He, the tormentor of Devaki's mind, the seer of her sons, remained satisfied for some days, his fierce nature hidden. 33 Then, the one who had his birth rites performed, named Krishna, grew up in Vraja, increasing the unprecedented joy of Nanda and Yashoda. 34 With his hands bearing the auspicious marks of the mace, discus, arrow, conch and lotus, he captivated the minds of the cowherd boys and girls, reclining at ease. 35 The beautiful one, resplendent like the blue lotus, the object of the description of the gift of breasts, the proud one with full breasts - the unsatisfied ones drank him in with single-pointed attention. 36 Once, Kansa was told by the omen-knowing Varuna, the well-wisher: "O king, search for your enemy, who is somewhere in the city or the forest." 37 Then, Kansa, with the intention of destroying the enemy, observed a three-day fast. The deities approached him, saying: "The deities satisfied by your past austerities, tell us what is to be done. Who is the enemy of Kansa that is to be destroyed immediately?" 38-39