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## Chapter Fifty-Three
As the sons of Vasudeva grew, Sudrishti Seth's wealth and prosperity increased, surpassing even the wealth of other kings. Devaki, freed from the sorrow of childlessness by her husband's words, gradually regained her former radiance, like the moon waxing in its phases.
One night, as Devaki lay in her bed, as white as the moon, she saw seven auspicious omens in her dreams. First, she saw the rising sun, dispelling darkness. Then, she saw the full moon, shining brightly. Next, she saw Lakshmi, being crowned by the elephants. Then, she saw a celestial chariot descending from the sky. After that, she saw a great fire with blazing flames. Then, she saw a divine flag adorned with jewels, high in the sky. Finally, she saw a lion entering her mouth.
Startled by these dreams, Devaki woke up trembling. Filled with wonder and excitement, she recounted her dreams to her husband, the wise Vasudeva, as soon as the morning arrived. He interpreted the dreams, saying:
"My dear, you will soon have a son who will rule the entire earth. The rising sun in your dream signifies that he will destroy his enemies with his power. The full moon signifies that he will be beloved by all. The Lakshmi being crowned by elephants signifies that he will be prosperous. The celestial chariot descending from the sky signifies that he will be a great king. The blazing fire signifies that he will be powerful. The divine flag signifies that he will be victorious. And the lion entering your mouth signifies that he will be brave and fearless."