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The First Chapter:
The Shruta was held by Indrabhuti (Gautama) the Ganadhara from the mouth of Vardhamana Jinendra. From him, Sudharma Acharya received it, and from him, the last Kevali, Jambū, received it. ||60||
After him, in succession, came Vishnu, Nandimitra, Aparajita, Govardhana, and Bhadrabahu, these five Shruta Kevalis. ||61||
After them, the following eleven Munis, who knew the eleven Angas and the ten Purvas, came: Visakha, Prosthila, Kshatriya, Jaya, Naga, Siddhartha, Dhritiṣeṇa, Vijaya, Buddhila, Gangadeva, and Dharmaseṇa. ||62-63||
After them, the following five Munis, who knew the eleven Angas, came: Nakshatra, Yasahpala, Pandu, Dhruvaseṇa, and Kansacharya. ||64||
After them, the following four Munis, who held the Acharaangas, came: Subhadra, Yashobhadra, Yashobahu, and Lohaya. ||65||
Thus, this portion of the Agamas, which was spread by these and other Acharyas, is being described here. ||66||
This text is earlier in terms of meaning, that is, what is described in this text is already known from the previous Acharyas, but for those who are afraid of the vastness of the scriptures, a summary of the essential points is presented here, so this composition is new in terms of its creation. ||67||
For those noble souls who are pure in mind, speech, and body, and who constantly practice this, this Purana will be beneficial for both speaking and listening. ||68||
There are two types of tapas, external and internal, and among them, self-study is considered the supreme tapas because it is the opposite of ignorance. ||69||
Since the meaning of this Purana is conducive to the highest human goals, it should be spoken and listened to by those who know the time and place, without envy. ||70||
In this Purana, first, the structure of the universe is described, then the origin of the royal dynasties, then the incarnation of the Hari dynasty, then the actions of Vasudeva, then the story of Neminatha, the construction of Dwaraka, the description of the war, and the Nirvana - these eight auspicious chapters are described. ||71-72||
These are all adorned with their own collected chapters, and the chapters are described according to the Sutras of the Iṣu Sutras. ||73||
In the fifth Kalpa, there were three Kevalis, five who knew the fourteen Purvas, five who held the eleven Angas, eleven who knew the ten Purvas, and four who knew the Acharaangas, thus there were five types of Munis. ||58-59||