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## Harivaṃśapurāṇa, First Chapter, Composed by Śrī Jinaseṇācārya
**1.** This is the Jain scripture, the Harivaṃśapurāṇa, composed by Śrī Jinaseṇācārya. It is a scripture that is **siddh** (proven true) and deals with the characteristics of **dhrauvya** (permanent), **vyaya** (impermanent), and **utpāda** (produced) substances. It is a scripture that is **saadhana** (conducive to liberation) and **śāsan** (teaching) based on the **dravya** (substance) and **naya** (perspective) of Jainism.
**2.** Salutations to Śrī Vardhamāna Jinendra, the **Vardhamāna** (ever-increasing) one, whose **śuddha jñāna** (pure knowledge) shines like a light, illuminating both the **loka** (world) and **aloka** (non-world).
**3.** Salutations to **Svayambhu** (self-existent) **Vṛṣabha** (bull), the **sarvavida** (omniscient) one, who established the **vyavasthāna** (order) of the universe at the beginning of the **yuga** (era) and initiated the **dharma tīrtha** (path of righteousness).
**4.** Salutations to **Ajita** (unconquerable) **Jinendra**, who established the second **tīrtha** (ford) and conquered all **śatru** (enemies) both internal and external.
**5.** Salutations to the third **śambhava** (auspicious) **tīrtha** (ford), who brought **śam** (peace) and **vimukti** (liberation) to his **bhakt** (devotees) in both **bhava** (existence) and **vimukti** (liberation).
**1.** Victory to **Sunemi** (the one with a beautiful face), the **bhavy** (worthy) one, who is like the **chandra** (moon) in the **jaladhi** (ocean) of the **Yadu** (dynasty), the **kamala** (lotus) in the **dinakara** (sun), and the **rathachakra** (chariot wheel) of **Vṛṣabha** (bull). Victory to **Jinendra** (victorious lord) **Sunemi**!
**2.** I bow down to the **deva** (divine), **śāstra** (scripture), and **guru** (teacher) again and again, placing my head at their feet. I will write and compose the **śrī Harivaṃśapurāṇa** (the glorious story of the Harivaṃśa).