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## Subject
**Chapter 46**
Lord Neminath, while wandering, reached the land of Pallava. There, the Pandavas heard their past lives from him and, taking initiation, performed severe austerities.
**Chapter 47**
Description of the Pandavas' austerities and tribulations. Baldev, after performing austerities for a hundred years, became a god in Brahma heaven.
## Table of Contents
**Chapter 48**
Motivated by past affection, Baldev's soul went to Balukaprabha to address Krishna. The Lord attained liberation.
**Chapter 49**
The lineage of the Yadava dynasty continued from Jaratkumar. At the end of the Granth, there is a description of Lord Mahavira's Nirvana, the origin of Diwali, and a detailed description of the Acharya lineage.