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## The Eighteenth Chapter
Then, Vasu's son, Brihaddhwaja, resided in Mathura. He had a son named Subahu, who was devoted to virtue. [1]
Brihaddhwaja, having entrusted the kingdom's prosperity to Subahu, embraced the prosperity of austerity. Subahu had a son named Dirghabahu, Dirghabahu had a son named Vajrabahu, Vajrabahu had a son named Labdhaabhimaan, Labdhaabhimaan had a son named Bhanu, Bhanu had a son named Yavu, Yavu had a son named Subhanu, and Subhanu had a son named Bhima. [2-3]
Thus, starting with these, hundreds and thousands of kings, following the path of the Muni Suvratnath, ruled the earth. [4]
The lifespan of Naminaath, who succeeded Muni Suvratnath, was fifteen thousand years, and his Tirtha (pilgrimage site) lasted for five lakh years. [5]
In this Tirtha, on the mountain of Harivansha, a king named Yadu, radiant like the sun, arose. He was the progenitor of the Yadavas and spread his influence over the entire earth. [6]
Yadu had a son named Narapati, who became the king of the earth. Yadu, having entrusted the earth to his son, attained heaven through austerity. [7]
Narapati had two sons, Shura and Suvira, both valiant and heroic. Narapati, having established them on the throne, embraced austerity. [8]
Shura, having established Suvira in Mathura, himself became a skilled archer. He built a city named Shauryapur, a city of great valor, in the land of Kush. [9]
From Shura, many valiant warriors were born, including Andhakavrishni. From Suvira, the lord of Mathura, many heroic sons were born, including Bhojakavrishni. [10]
Shura and Suvira, having entrusted the earth to their eldest sons, achieved their purpose and were initiated by the well-established Muni. [11]
Andhakavrishni had a wife named Subhadra, the best of women. She gave birth to ten sons, who were as radiant as the gods and had descended from heaven. [12]
Their names were: 1. Samudravijaya, 2. Akshobhya, 3. Stimit Sagar, 4. Himavan, 5. Vijay, 6. Achal, 7. Dharan, 8. Puran, 9. Yavu, and 10. Bhoopatibhaaskar. [13]