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Caturdasah Sargah
10. Believe me, her mental state is also mixed with my desire due to my sight. It is clearly evident from all her actions.
11. O skilled one! You should secretly unite these two distressed lovers, for the distressed can be united with the distressed only.
12. Hearing the words of Vanamala that conveyed her feelings, the messenger, filled with joy, spoke.
13. "O child! The lord of your land, Ragana Sumukha, whose heart has been stolen by your beauty, has sent me. Come, I shall quickly unite you with him."
14. Thus, in accordance with her desired objective, the love-afflicted Vanamala, in the absence of her husband, quickly entered the royal palace with the messenger.
15. Seeing the heart-stealing Sumukhi, the king Sumukha became delighted and affectionately welcomed her.
16. The young man, taking her hand that had touched her breasts, made her sit on his own bed.
17. At that time, the moon, the lord of the night, arose, as if to bless the union of the mature youth and the youthful woman.
18. Just as the touch of the moon's rays delighted the lotus, so did the touch of the king Sumukha delight the Vanamala.
19. They engaged in many loving exchanges appropriate to the qualities of the woman and the man, to intensify their bond of love.
20. He, free from any apprehension due to excessive trust, embraced her closely seated on his lap.
21. Exhausted by the clinging embraces, kisses, suckings, and graspings of the neck and hair, caused by their unsatisfied passion...