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Caturdasah sargah
17. The blossoming tilaka flowers, which were the glory of the tilaka trees, made the forest-goddess, who was fragrant like the patala flower, extremely full of flowers.
18. Just as the mane of the lion, the king of beasts, shines with glory when he is eager to conquer, so the mane of the Sinhika tree shone with glory as it sought to conquer the cluster of nagapunnaga trees.
19. The month of Caitra quickly nourished and made the jasmine, who was withered due to long separation, full of flowers, just as a lover quickly nourishes and makes his beloved, who was emaciated due to long separation, full of flowers.
20. The women, who were intoxicated with the raga of the swing-song, sang softly while engrossed in the swing-dance.
21. Some female companions went to the garden groves and, out of affection, indulged in a series of drinking (parties).
22. The deer first tasted the sprout of the dūrvā grass and then gave it to the doe. She too tasted it and gave it back to him, for what is smelled by the beloved is dear.
23. The she-elephant, blinded by the pleasure of the touch of his trunk, made the she-elephant who was eager for the tender shoots of the sallaki tree.
24. Intoxicated with the madness of drinking honey, the pairs of bees buzzed loudly as they eagerly smelled one another in the blossoming honey.
25. Hearing the song of the cuckoos with melodious throats, the cuckoo sang, as if out of a desire to nourish and cherish that (song).
26. Where the bees, intoxicated with honey, and the clamorous cuckoos sang sweetly, what talk could there be of others?