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## The Tenth Chapter
**189.** Destiny, nature, time, fate, and effort, these five, with the four categories of self, other, eternal, and non-eternal, make twenty distinctions. These twenty distinctions, when combined with the nine substances starting with the soul, result in one hundred and eighty distinctions for the actionists.
**49.** For example, some believe the soul is self-existent due to destiny, some believe it is other-existent, some believe it is eternal, and some believe it is non-eternal. Some believe the soul is self-existent due to nature, some believe it is other-existent, some believe it is eternal, and some believe it is non-eternal. Some believe the soul is self-existent due to time, some believe it is other-existent, some believe it is eternal, and some believe it is non-eternal.
**50.** Some believe the soul is self-existent due to fate, some believe it is other-existent, some believe it is eternal, and some believe it is non-eternal. Some believe the soul is self-existent due to effort, some believe it is other-existent, some believe it is eternal, and some believe it is non-eternal. Just as there are twenty distinctions for the soul due to destiny and other causes, there are also twenty distinctions for the non-soul substances. Thus, the actionists have a total of one hundred and eighty distinctions.
**51.** The seven substances starting with the soul are neither self-existent nor other-existent in relation to destiny, nature, time, fate, and effort. Therefore, multiplying the seven substances by five, we get thirty-five. Multiplying thirty-five by two (self and other), we get seventy distinctions.
**52.** Again, the seven substances starting with the soul are neither self-existent nor other-existent in relation to time. Therefore, multiplying seven by two, we get fourteen distinctions. Adding these fourteen distinctions to the previous seventy, we get eighty-four distinctions for the non-actionists.
**53.** Who knows the nine substances starting with the soul in relation to the seven categories of being, non-being, both, non-declarable, being-non-declarable, non-being-non-declarable, and both-non-declarable? Thus, multiplying nine substances by seven categories, we get sixty-three distinctions for the ignorant and false-sighted.
**54.** For example, who knows if the soul is real? Who knows if the soul is unreal? Who knows if the soul is both real and unreal? Who knows if the soul is non-declarable? Who knows if the soul is real and non-declarable? Who knows if the soul is unreal and non-declarable? Who knows if the soul is both real and unreal and non-declarable? Similarly, applying these seven categories to the non-soul substances, we get sixty-three distinctions.
**55.** The actionists have one hundred and eighty distinctions, the non-actionists have eighty-four, the ignorant have sixty-three, and the humble have thirty-two.