Disclaimer: This translation does not guarantee complete accuracy, please confirm with the original page text.
## Harivansh Purana
**Verse 104:**
All beings are in the middle path, neither friends nor enemies. Due to their inherently low passions, they all attain the divine realm upon the exhaustion of their lifespan.
**Verse 105:**
A man's death is peaceful with a sneeze, and a woman's with a yawn, when their love for each other is bound by birth.
**Verse 106:**
Then, the Lord of the Ganas, knowing the mind of Shrenik, spoke about the cause of birth in the realm of enjoyment.
**Verse 107:**
Mortals dwelling in the realm of karma, inherently have low passions. They become humans in the realm of enjoyment due to the merit of giving to worthy recipients.
**Verse 108:**
Those purified by right faith, right knowledge, right conduct, and right austerity, and who are impartial towards enemies and friends, are considered the best recipients.
**Verse 109:**
Those who practice restraint and unrestraint are considered average recipients, while those with unwavering right faith and unrestraint are considered the worst.
**Verse 110:**
A wise person, by giving appropriately to all three types of recipients, enjoys the divine pleasures of the realm of enjoyment, having become a human.
**Verse 111:**
Just as a small seed sown properly in fertile land grows, so too does the gift of food and other things given to a worthy recipient.
**Verse 112:**
Just as water in a field of rice and sugarcane becomes sweet, and milk obtained by cows becomes milk, so too does the gift of food, drink, and medicine, even if small and of little taste, become like nectar and everlasting in the next life.
**Verse 113:**
Those who have renounced gross violence, but hold false faith, false knowledge, and false conduct, are considered unworthy recipients. Those who have not renounced gross violence are considered unworthy.
**Verse 114:**
By giving to unworthy recipients, humans become animals in the realms of enjoyment, or are born in low human families and enjoy the inner islands.
**Verse 115:**
Just as a seed sown in barren land yields little fruit, so too does a gift given to an unworthy recipient bring the giver bad fortune.
**Verse 116:**
Just as rice sown in barren land perishes from the root, so too does a gift given to an unworthy recipient become fruitless.
**Verse 117:**
**Verse 140:**