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## Translation:
In the Harivamsha Purana, the twenty-first chapter describes the three types of Vimanas (aerial vehicles) in detail. There are seventeen types of Vimanas in the first category, nine in the second, and five in the third. ||76|| These Vimanas are classified as pure, and their numbers are based on their respective original quantities. The remaining Vimanas are known as scattered Vimanas. ||77||
The number of Vimanas with a measurable Yojan (unit of distance) extent in each of these categories is as follows:
* In the Saudharma heaven, there are six lakhs forty thousand Vimanas.
* In the Aishana heaven, there are five lakhs sixty thousand Vimanas.
* In the Sanatkumara heaven, there are two lakhs forty thousand Vimanas.
* In the Maheindra heaven, there are one lakh sixty thousand Vimanas.
* In the Brahma and Brahmottara heavens, there are eighty thousand Vimanas.
* In the Lantava and Kapishtha heavens, there are ten thousand Vimanas.
* In the Shukra heaven, there are four thousand four Vimanas.
* In the Mahashukra heaven, there are three thousand nine hundred ninety-six Vimanas.
* In the Shatara-Sahasrar heaven, there are twelve hundred Vimanas.
* In the Anata-Pranata heaven, there are eighty-eight Vimanas.
* In the Aruna-Achyuta heaven, there are fifty-two Vimanas. ||78-84||
The number of Vimanas with immeasurable Yojan extent in all these heavens is four times the number of Vimanas with measurable Yojan extent. ||85||
Except for the Indraka Vimanas, the remaining Vimanas in the Nav-Preveya and other categories are of two types: those with measurable Yojan extent and those with immeasurable Yojan extent. The Indraka Vimanas are only of the measurable Yojan extent type. ||86||
The total number of Vimanas with measurable Yojan extent is sixteen lakhs ninety thousand three hundred eighty, and the number of Vimanas with immeasurable Yojan extent is sixty-four lakhs ninety thousand six hundred ninety. ||87-88||
The Prarabhara-Bhum (Siddhashil), the two and a half Dvipas, the Ritu Vimana of the first heaven, the Simantaka Indraka Vimana of the first Naraka (hell), and the Siddhalaya are all equal in extent, each measuring forty-five lakhs Yojan. The Ritu Vimana is located at a distance of a hair's breadth from the peak of Mount Meru, the Chulika. ||89||
The Jambudvipa, the Apratisthana Indraka Vimana of the seventh Naraka, and the Sarvarthasiddhi are all considered to be of equal extent by the learned Acharyas, each measuring one hundred and sixty lakhs Yojan. ||90||