Disclaimer: This translation does not guarantee complete accuracy, please confirm with the original page text.
## The Fifth Canto
**The Self-Born Delight (Svayambhuramana) and the Oceans:**
There are sixteen oceans, each named after the island it surrounds, along with the Self-Born Delight (Svayambhuramana) island and ocean. These are the final sixteen islands and oceans.
Between these two sets of sixteen, there are countless islands and oceans, all with auspicious names from the beginning of time. These islands and oceans alternate, with an island always followed by an ocean, and an ocean always followed by an island.
The Salt Ocean (Lavana) tastes like salt, the Varuni Ocean tastes like Varuni wine, the Grita Ocean tastes like ghee, and the Kshira Ocean tastes like milk. The Kalodadhi Ocean and the final Self-Born Delight Ocean taste like water. The Pushkara Ocean tastes like both honey and water. All the remaining oceans taste like sugarcane juice.
The great sea-monsters (Mahamacchas) born from fainting (Sammurccha) in the Salt Ocean are nine yojanas long on the shore and eighteen yojanas long in the middle. The sea-monsters born from the rivers (Nadimakha) in the Kalodadhi Ocean are eighteen yojanas long on the shore and thirty-six yojanas long in the middle. The sea-monsters born from the womb (Garbhajanma) are half the size of the sea-monsters born from fainting.
The sea-monsters in the Self-Born Delight Ocean are five hundred yojanas long on the shore and one thousand yojanas long in the middle. There are no sea-creatures in any other ocean except the Salt Ocean, the Kalodadhi Ocean, and the Self-Born Delight Ocean.
Creatures with impaired senses (two-sensed, three-sensed, four-sensed) live up to the Manushottara mountain. Beyond that, they are found from the middle of the Self-Born Delight island to its end.
If you want to know the extent of an island or ocean, add one hundred thousand yojanas to the combined extent of all the islands and oceans that come before it.
The middle of the Self-Born Delight Ocean is located at a distance of seventy-five thousand yojanas from the center of the half-diameter of Mount Meru. This is the middle of the half-radius of the entire middle world.
The entire middle world is one raju in extent. The half-radius from the center of Mount Meru to the end of the Self-Born Delight Ocean is one half-raju. Half of this half-raju contains half of Jambudvipa, countless islands and oceans, and the final seventy-five thousand yojanas of the Self-Born Delight Ocean. The other half of the half-raju contains...
**Note:** The text continues with a quote from the Trilokasara, which is not included in this translation.