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## The Fifth Canto
Eleven thousand yojanas is the height of Mandara, above the Nandana and Saumanasa forests. [312] In the fifth region, it decreases by one yojana for every chulika. This is the order of yojanas in angula and other measures. [313] One hundred thousand yojanas is the length of the two sides of Meru, which is one lakh and eleven-twelfths. [314] In the east is the Panya, in the south the Charana, in the west the Gandharva, and in the north the Chitrak. [315] These have a width of thirty yojanas, a height of fifty yojanas, and a circumference of ninety yojanas. [316] Soma resides in the Panya, Yama in the Charana, Varuna in the Gandharva, and Kubera with his retinue in the Chitrak. [317] These four Lokapalas, each in their respective directions, play constantly with three and a half crore women. [318] In the four directions of the Saumanasa forest are the four mansions named Vajra, Vajra-prabha, Suvarna-bhavana, and Suvarna-prabha. [319] The circumference, width, and height of these mansions are half that of those in Nandana. [320] In these mansions, Soma, Yama, and the other Lokapalas play with the same number of women as they desire. [321] In the four directions of the Panduka forest are the four mansions named Lohita, Anjana, Haridra, and Pandu. The height and other dimensions of these mansions are the same as those in the Saumanasa forest, and the same Lokapalas play with the same number of women in them. [322] Soma, the lord of the east, is the master of the Swayamprabha Vimana. His vehicle, clothes, and ornaments are all red, and his lifespan is two and a half palyas. He enjoys six lakh sixty-six thousand six hundred sixty-six luminous mansions, being their master. [323-324] Yama, the king of the south, is the master of the Arisht...