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In the Harivamsha Purana, the extent of the earth is described as ten yojanas, and above that, there are ten more yojanas. In these vast mountains, there are ranges inhabited by the Vidyadharas. ||22|| In the southern range, there are fifty cities, and in the northern range, there are sixty cities, all resembling the celestial city. ||23|| Ten yojanas further up, there are many cities fit for the play of the gods, suitable for the noble class. ||24|| Five yojanas further up, there is a range called Purnabhadra, ten yojanas wide, and inhabited by the gods of Vijayardha. ||25|| On this Vijayardha mountain, there are nine peaks: the first is Siddhayatana, the second is Dakshinardhak, the third is Khandakaprapata, the fourth is Purnabhadra, the fifth is Vijayardhakumara, the sixth is Manibhadra, the seventh is Tamisraguhaka, the eighth is Uttaradham, and the ninth is Vaishravana. These nine peaks adorn the top of the mountain and are six and a quarter yojanas high. ||26-28|| The extent of these mountains is six and a quarter yojanas at the base, slightly less than five yojanas in the middle, and slightly more than three yojanas at the top. ||29|| On the Siddhayatana peak, facing east, there is a magnificent and radiant Jina temple known as Siddhakoota. ||30|| This indestructible Jina temple is half a krośa high, half a krośa wide, and one krośa long. ||31|| The southern arc of the Vijayardha mountain, in the middle of the Bharat Kshetra, is nine thousand seven hundred forty-eight yojanas and twelve kalas wide. ||32|| The arc of the southern arc is nine thousand seven hundred sixty-six yojanas and one kala more. ||33|| The arrow of this nearby arc is two hundred thirty-eight yojanas and three kalas. ||34|| The northern arc of the Vijayardha mountain is ten thousand seven hundred twenty-seven yojanas and eleven kalas wide. ||35|| The arc of the northern arc is ten thousand seven hundred forty-three yojanas and fifteen kalas more. ||36|| The arrow of this northern arc is two hundred eighty-eight yojanas and three kalas. ||37|| The Jinadeva has described the peak of the Vijayardha mountain as slightly less than four hundred sixty-six yojanas. ||38|| 1. Again M., K. 2. Resembling the celestial city. 3. Twelve parts are described M.