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## Fourth Chapter
There are countless three-doored triangles, five-doored pentagons, and seven-doored heptagons. ||352||
The **nigoda** with a measurable **yojana** expanse have a minimum interval of six **kosas** and a maximum interval of twelve **kosas**. ||353||
The **nigoda** with an immeasurable **yojana** expanse have an immeasurable **yojana** as their maximum interval and seven thousand **yojanas** as their minimum interval. ||354||
The **naraki** beings born in the **nigoda** of the first earth, **Dharma**, jump up seven **yojanas** and three and a quarter **kosas** into the sky before falling back down. ||355||
The **naraki** beings born in the **nigoda** of the second earth, **Vansha**, jump up fifteen **yojanas** and two and a half **kosas** into the sky before falling back down. ||356||
The beings born in the **nigoda** of the third earth, **Megha**, jump up thirty-one **yojanas** and one **kosa** into the sky before falling back down. ||357||
The **naraki** beings born in the **nigoda** of the fourth earth, **Anjana**, jump up sixty-two **yojanas** and two **kosas** into the sky before falling back down, experiencing intense suffering. ||358||
The **naraki** beings born in the **nigoda** of the fifth earth jump up one hundred and twenty-five **yojanas** into the sky before falling back down, experiencing great suffering. ||359||
The beings born in the **nigoda** of the sixth earth jump up two hundred **yojanas** into the sky before falling back down. ||360||
The beings born in the **nigoda** of the seventh earth jump up five hundred **dhanus** high before falling back down to the earth. ||361||
The **Asura** children fight the **naraki** beings up to the third earth. They also fight amongst themselves, remembering their ancient animosity. ||362||
The **naraki** beings are torn apart by spears, clubs, and tridents, all born from their own bodies, and they inflict pain upon each other. ||363||
Even when torn apart, their bodies recombine like mercury, and they do not die until their lifespan is over. ||364||
These **naraki** beings constantly suffer, both physically and mentally, due to the consequences of their past karma. ||365||