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## Samantabhadra-Bharati
[ **Chapter 1** If the propagators of the Agam Tirthas are considered to be Upayasvarupa, then they are all Aapta-Sarvajnas. Therefore, the Tirthankarattva is also tainted by the Vyabhichar-dosha. And if all the Tirthankaras are considered to be Aapta or Sarvajnas, then this also does not work; because] there is mutual contradiction in the Agamas of the Tirthankaras, which should not be the case if they are all Aapta. Therefore, due to this contradiction, the Aaptata-Nirdosha-Sarvajnatva of all the Tirthankaras is not established.
[ If it is accepted and asked whether there is any Aapta among all the Tirthankaras who are the propagators of these mutually contradictory Agamas, and if so, who is he? The answer is simply that] there may be an Aapta Tirthankara among them, and he may be the one who has achieved the full development of Chit-Chaitanya, i.e., in whom the doshas and avaranas have been completely eliminated, and pure Chaitanya has emerged.
The complete elimination of doshas and avaranas is possible due to exaggeration.
[ **Verse 4** ] "Sometimes, just as external and internal impurities are eliminated from their causes,..."
[ If it is said that there is no such man in whom the complete elimination of doshas like ignorance, attachment, etc., and their causal karmic avaranas is possible, then this is also not correct; because] the complete elimination of doshas and their causes is seen in many men. In many men, there is a gradual decrease in doshas like ignorance, attachment, aversion, desire, anger, etc., and their causes. Therefore, it is possible for a particular man to have a complete absence of these opposing causes, just as (in gold, etc.) external and internal impurities are eliminated due to opposing causes.