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"Samantbhadra-Bharati [cannot be perceived in form and cannot be propagated to others.']
(If it is said that these Maya-vis are not truly real - they are artificial and your relationship with them is true, then who is the regulator and judge? If the Agam is said to be the regulator and judge, then the Agam is also of those Maya-vis - they, by their word-form Agam, declare those Ati-shyas to be true even though they are Maya-char-jan-ya. And if your own Agam (Jain Agam) is taken as evidence in this matter, then the said reason is Agam-ashrit, and by it alone others cannot be convinced and made to believe in the true state of affairs. Therefore, the said reason-kala-rupa reason is unable to express your greatness and Aapta-ta and is therefore, in a way, negligible for those like me.)
Bahirant-vigraha-adi-mahodaya is not the reason for Aapta-gurutava, Adhyatma Bahir-apy-esha vigraha-adi-mahodaya. Divya satyo div-aukassvapy-asti raga-adi-matsu sah. ||2|| 'This which is your great rise of the inner and outer body, the absence of body, hunger, thirst, old age, disease, untimely death, etc. in the inner, and the radiant, unparalleled beauty, with the flow of white color, blood, sweatlessness, fragrance and purity in the outer, which is also divine, superhuman and true, not false in the form of Maya, but real and not found in Maya-vis, (if you are considered great, venerable and Aapta-purusha because of it, then this reason is also tainted by the fault of Vyabhichar; because) it (vigraha-adi-mahodaya) is associated with raga-adi - raga"