Disclaimer: This translation does not guarantee complete accuracy, please confirm with the original page text.
## English Translation:
Devagama - Aapta-Mimamsa
10. Niroopana and Bhavantera - Katha of the Dharmas of a Non-Existent Object
11. Tattvaka's Anekanta Rupa Praatipadan
12. Anekanta's Swaroop
13. Anekanta's Yojana within Anekanta
14. Avastuka's Swaroop in Jain Darshan
15. Syat Nipata's Swaroop
16. Siddhi of Sarvagya through Anuman
17. Vyavastha of Syadvad through Yukti
18. Aapta's Tarkik Swaroop
19. Swaroop of Vastu (Dravya - Prameya)
Samantbhadra is called the Aady Pravartak of Jain Nyaya because of the presentation and development of these elements of Jain Nyaya.
**(d) Kritis**
Five Kritis of Samantbhadra are available:
1. Devagama - The present Kriti.
2. Swayambhu Stotra - This contains the philosophical praise of the 24 Tirthankaras. It has 143 padya.
3. Yuktyanusasan - This also contains philosophical analysis under the guise of praise for Vira. It ends in 64 padya.
4. Aapta-Mimamsa - This contains the philosophical analysis of Aapta. It has 113 padya.
1. Yuktyanusasan 23
2. Yuktyanusasan 59
3. Swayambhu Stotra 103
4. Aapta-Mimamsa 107, 108
5. Aapta-Mimamsa 48, 105
6. Swayambhu Stotra 102
7. Aapta-Mimamsa 5
8. Aapta-Mimamsa 113
9. Jain Darshan, Syadvadank, Varsh 2, Ank 4-5, p. 170
10. Aapta-Mimamsa Ka 4, 5, 6
11. Aapta-Mimamsa 107