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If the *Devaagam-Aapta-Mimamsa* and the evidence are mistaken, then both the desired internal object (knowledge) and the undesired external object, which are considered as evidence and non-evidence respectively, will be proven to be mistaken. In such a situation, how can the knowledge of the principle of the desirable and undesirable be possible in pure knowledge-ism?
If we say that the evidence is infallible, then the acceptance of external reality is necessary for it. Without it, the arrangement of evidence and pseudo-evidence is not possible; because only those knowledges and words have evidence which have external reality and those which do not have external reality are considered as pseudo-evidence. In reality, the intellect which obtains the known meaning is called true and the one which does not obtain the known meaning is called false. Similarly, the word which has the denoted meaning is considered true and the one which does not have the denoted meaning is considered false. Thus, the intellect and the word are called evidence and pseudo-evidence only in the existence and non-existence of external reality. This arrangement of evidence and pseudo-evidence is not possible in pure knowledge-ism. Therefore, the external reality is definitely proven in the said way and after its proof, the speaker, etc. three and their understanding, etc. three are also proven. Therefore, the said 'designation' reason is not faulty due to non-proof, etc.
Thus, in this chapter, the principle of the means of knowledge has also been made multi-faceted by planning the seven-fold theory and proved by the *Syadvada* approach.
Eighth Chapter:
This chapter contains four verses from 88 to 91. By the 88th verse, showing the fault in the acceptance of pure divineism, it has been said that if the production of desired and undesired objects is accepted only from God, then the question arises, from whom is the producer God produced? Its production cannot be accepted from human effort, because the acceptance of 'all objects are produced from God' is terminated.