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## 58
Chapter 4
(Result) The sameness (non-difference) of location and time, which is seen in the cause and effect of a form, will not be able to form. _ Explanation - If one assumes a complete difference between the constituent and the constituted, etc., then one will have to assume a difference in location and time between them, and their relationship will be like that of the yut-siddhas; then how can non-difference of location be formed in them? This is something for the Vaisheshikas to think about. Although there is a great difference between the soul and space, there is neither a difference in location nor in time between them, and therefore this great difference is not a regulator of the difference in location and time of cause and effect. However, the great difference between the soul and space in terms of being, substance, etc., is not established. Therefore, there is no obstacle to their being non-different in location and non-different in time.
Aashraya-aashrayi-bhavana-n svaatantryam samavayinaam. Ityayaktash sa sambandha na yaktash samavayibhih. ||64||
'If it is said that in the samavayis - the constituent-constituted (thread-cloth) etc. - there is no independence due to the aashraya-aashrayi-bhavana (relationship of dependence) by the samavaya, which would lead to the formation of vritti (samavaya-relationship-functioning) even when there is a difference in location and time, then this is not correct. (Because then the question arises whether that samavaya is self-related in the samavayis or related by another samavaya. If it is self-related, then the constituted will also be self-related in its constituents, what is the result of the unnecessary assumption of a separate samavaya for it? If it is related by another samavaya, then that other samavaya will also have to be considered related to another third, and the third to another fourth, and in this way, the assumption of many samavayas will lead to an infinite regress.