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[Karika 38, 39] Devagam (If the Sankhyas argue that we accept the cause-effect relationship - mahat etc. are effects and pradhan is their cause - therefore there is no obstacle in the formation of vikriya in our system, then this is an unthoughtful statement in the form of an unanalyzed principle; because there is no third movement besides these two alternatives of the existence and non-existence of the effect.) If the effect is considered to be completely real, then it does not become fit for creation like the conscious Purusha - due to being immutable, there is no such thing as creation in it, just as there is not in Purusha. In other words, what is completely real does not become an effect like consciousness, consciousness is not an effect, otherwise the effect of the Purusha, which is considered to be conscious, will also arise. Therefore, just as consciousness is not an effect due to being completely real, in the same way, the effect of mahat etc. does not arise. When there is no new creation of the effect, then how can there be vikriya? And if the effect is considered to be completely unreal, then it leads to a contradiction in the principle; because the Sankhyas, who imagine the cause-effect relationship, have considered the effect to be real - not unreal like a sky-flower. 'If it is said that the transformation, which is the change from one state to another in the object, is the effect, then this makes the object a result' and the imagination of the result in the object is an obstacle to the singularity of eternity - there is no kind of result, change or transformation in the singularity of complete eternity. '
1. 'Asadkaranadupaadanagrahanatsarvasambhavabhavat. Shaktyasya (karyasya) shakyakaranat karanabhavaccha satkaryam" || iti hi sankhyanam siddantah. '
- Ashta Sahasri p. 181