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(Abhyudyattmaran Prarupana) (126) (Jinkalpi Muni ka) This is a solitary conduct instructed by the Jinas and
is commendable by the learned. Practiced by the great men
and served by the Jinkalpis, this death (Abhyudyattmaran) is worth knowing. (127) (The seeker should say that) I accept the
beneficial Samadhi death (Abhyudyattmaran) worthy of being done at the end of life, as instructed by the last Tirthankara,
in the twilight of life, in a disciplined manner.
(Aradhanapataka Prapti Prarupana) (128) Adorned with the strength of thirty-two types of yoga collections, the
Kritayogi drinks the nectar of twelve types of austerities and concludes it. (129) (The seeker) tightens the loincloth
of intellect-strength and defeats the wrestler of attachment on the stage of the world, and waves the flag of
worship. (130) Mounted on the stretcher (i.e., deathbed), (the seeker) destroys old
karmas and does not accumulate any new karmas, and cuts the vine of karma-stain. (131) (The) disciplined seeker who
attains death in a right way, being endowed with worship (Samadhi death), attains Nirvana after going through
(i.e., experiencing) a maximum of three births. (132) Through the extremely difficult worship,
modeled by the courageous men and served by the virtuous men, (the seeker) descends the ocean of the world
and waves the flag of Dharma without any obstacles. (133) The courageous seeker, endowed with the loincloth of
stable intellect (Sthitaprajna), waves the flag (of Dharma) in that country and time, while practicing the
Sutras and their meaning. (134) By destroying the four passions, three garbs, five sense-objects (objects of the five
senses), and the service of the Pariṣha, (the seeker) waves the flag of worship.