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(1) Chatursharana (2) Aturpratyakhyana (3) Bhaktaparijna (4) Sanstharak (5) Tandulavaicharik (6) Chandravedhyak (7) Devendrastav (8) Ganividya (9) Mahapratyakhyana (10) Virastav (11) Rishibhashit (12) Ajiva Kalp (13) Gachchachar (14) Maranasamadhi (15) Titthogali (16) Aradhanapataka (17) Dvipasagaraprajnapti (18) Jyotishkarandak (19) Angavidya (20) Siddapramrit (21) Saravali and (22) Jova Vibhakti.
In addition to these, there are many scattered texts with the same name, such as three texts available under the name 'Aur Pacchakkhan'. Of these, seven names - Devendrastav, Tandulavaicharik, Chandravedhyak, Ganividya, Maranavibhakti, Maranasamadhi, Mahapratyakhyana - are found in the category of Uttalik Sutras of Nandi and Paakshik, and two names - Rishibhashit and Dvipasagaraprajnapti - are found in the category of Kalik Sutras. Thus, nine scattered texts are mentioned in Nandi and Paakshik Sutras.
Although there is a difference of opinion regarding the number and names of scattered texts, it is certain that Mahapratyakhyana has been given a place in all the different classifications of scattered texts.
Although the place of scattered texts in the series of Agamas is secondary, if we consider from the point of view of linguistic antiquity and spiritual-dominant subject matter, scattered texts seem more important than some Agamas. In scattered texts, there are scattered texts like Rishibhashit, etc., which are older than even ancient level Agamas like Uttaradhyayanasutra and Dashakalika.
Mahapratyakhyana-Prakirnak (Mahapacchakkhana-Painnayam) is a poetic composition in Prakrit language. Its first mention is found in Nandi Sutra and Paakshik Sutra. Both the texts mention 'Mahapratyakhyana' under the category of 'Uttalik Shruta' which is necessary-extra. 1. Painnayassuttai, page 18. 2. Nandi Sutra Madhukar Muni, page 80-81. 3. Regarding the antiquity of Rishibhashit etc., see Dr. Sagarmal Jain-Rishibhashit Ek Adhyayan (Prakrit Bharati Sansthan, Jaipur). 4. (a) Ukkaliam Anegavihm Pannaatam Tam Jaha-(1) Dasaveaaliam"
(29) Mahapacchakkhanam, Evam Ai. -Nandi Sutra-Madhukar Muni-page 161-162, (b) Namo Tesim Khamasamanaanam""Angabaharam Ukkaliyam Bhagavantam. Tam Jaha-: Dasaveaaliam (1)""Mahapacchakkhanam (28).
. (Paakshik Sutra-Devchandra Lalbhai Jain, Pustakoddhara, page 76)