( 64 )
(love-lorn as she is ) she (is unable to see anything at a distance in the full-moon light." For parallel thought of. अथान्धकारं गिरिगह्वराणां दंष्ट्रामयूखैः शकलानि कुर्वन् । (रघुवंश, सर्ग २-४६)
Pischel' reads fear for for and translates :
“By means of the rays of her own face, the beautiful one can also see in darkness, who cannot look into distance in the moonlight."
Alsdorf renders the vs. thus :
“By the rays of her own face the beautiful lady sees her own hands in darkness. How should she not also see distant objects in the light of the full moon (i. e. 'her face') ?"
Dr. Bhayani follows Alsdorf's interpretation.
Here of hy is the illustration of Instr, sing. term. The metre is composed of 13 ( = 6 +4+3)+ 12 ( = 4+4 +4)= 25 mātras.
(2) 77 279912 jafri il
“Where ... ... ... is surrounded by the lustre of the emerald.”
In the above citation play is the other illustration of the g term. of the Instr. sing.
The metre is HET*; composition 4+4+vv-tv(is 2 HITOTS ) = 16 mātrās. cf. Chandonusāsana, III-65, p. 122.
350. GH-STA-TAP : ( STERT:) ! In Apabhramsa Feminine nouns the Gen. sing. and
Abl. sing. term is to
Illustration of Gen. sing. (1) J7354277777: JESHTRATAT:
तुच्छा छरोमावल्याः तुच्छरागायाः तुच्छतरहासायाः । प्रियवचनं अलभमानायाः तुच्छकायमन्मथनिवासायाः । अन्यद् यद् तुच्छं तस्याः प्रियायाः (-धन्यायाः) तद् आख्यातं न याति ।
आश्चर्यं स्तनान्तरं मुग्धायाः यद् मनः वर्त्मनि (=तन्मध्ये) न माति ॥ 1. Pischel, Pr. Gr., Vol. I, p. 157. 2. L. Alsdorf, Apabhramsa - Studien, p. 77. 3. H. O. Bhayani A pabhramsa Vyākarana, p. 19.
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