"(That lady) has a slender waist; (she) speaks (so) little; (she) has a thin and beautiful line of hair (below her navel); (her) love has faded and (her) smile is fainter still; (while her) body-love's abode-has been languishing as she is unable to hear the sweet words of her lover. Whatever else is tiny in that beloved is impossible to describe. O what a wonder is the space between her breasts ! — 80 (infinitely) small that even the mind cannot enter therein (lit. cannot be contained therein')."
Here all the nouns with final are illustrations of the Gen. sing. term. praf is a particle expressing surprise (= 377**); fafe='in between'(= ) (cf. Guj. a).
___ Udayasaubhigyaganin (दोधकवृत्तिकार) construes. तुच्छराय as Voc. sing., applying it to the lover, whose love for the love-lorn beauty, has diminished.
Dr. Bhayani follows the commentator.
Pischel translates the vs. :"( The beloved) speaks softly; has a thin and transparent row of hair; smiles very little; (is) with little passion; in whom the god of love lives in a thin body, when she does not hear the voice of the lover ---- that all cannot be enumerated. O, about the space between the breasts of the charming one that the mind does not measure on its way (i. e. the space is so small that one cannot imagine it).”
___Alsdorf rejects Pischel's derivation of विञ्चि (< वचइ <ifa) meaning 'way'. He improves the rendering of of the last portion of the stanza: “O, the space between the breasts of the charming one where the thought itself does not find any place in it.” 1 1 Alsdorf, Apabhramsa Studien, pp. 78-79.
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