( 4 ) इतः मेघाः पिबन्ति जलं इतः वडवानलः आवर्तते ।
प्रेक्षस्व गभीरिमाणं सागरस्य एका अपि कणिका न हि अपहीयते ॥ "Here clouds drink its water; here the sub-marine fire is whirling; yet, mark (lit. ' see') the greatness of the sea — not a drop (of it) gets less."
Here नाहिं ( < नहि ) illustrates the sūtra.
Cf. Coll. Hindi नाहीं .
The metre has 13 +16 mātrās per hemistich; combining the first carana ( of 13 mātrās) of Dūhā, with the second carana (of 16 mātrās) of Vadanaka.
420. 'पश्चाद् ' - ' एवमेव ' ' एव ' ' इदानीं ' " पच्छइ 'एम्बइ ' जि' - 'एम्वहिं ' ( इत्यादेशाः भवन्ति ' ) ।
Of पश्चात् the adesa is पच्छइ. eg.
Of एवमेव the ādesa is एम्बइ eg.
' प्रत्युत ' - 'इतः ' - एतेषां - ' पञ्चलिउ ' एतहे'
पच्छइ होइ विहाणु ' ( = पश्चाद् भवति विभातम् )
एम्वइ सुरउ समन्तु । ( = एवमेव सुरतं समाप्तम् । )
(Vide : sūtra 362.1)
Jain Education International
Of एव the ādeśa is जि :
(1 ) यातु, मा यान्तं पल्लवत, पश्यामि कति पदानि ददाति । हृदये तिरश्चीना अहमेव परं प्रियः डम्बराणि करोति ॥
(Vide: sūtra 332.2 )
"Let him go; do not beckon him (with fingers) (or, ‘ be tugging at his apparel' ). I may see how many steps he takes. (For), I myself am lying wide across his heart (blocking his way ). My beloved is (just ) feigning (journey).
Here जि ( < एव ) illustrates the sūtra.
As Dr. Bhayani rightly points out a should be traced to च + एव ( चैव
ज्जे, जि ). 1
H. C. Bhayani, Apabhramsa Vyakarana, p. 153.
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